Besides Mandatory Vaccines, According To Study: Coffee Claims To Be Effective In Preventing The Severity Of COVID-19 Infection

JAKARTA – Vaccines are mandatory, in addition to preventing the severity of the SARS-Cov-2 virus infection, it is also needed to obtain herd immunity or group immunity. With regards to the COVID-19 virus, a recent study found that coffee has powerful benefits in alleviating infections.

As reported by Healthshots, Thursday, July 15, the study was conducted by researchers from Northwestern University. From the study, it was explained that drinking one cup of coffee every day was associated with a reduced risk of transmitting COVID-19.

Coffee has a positive effect on inflammatory biomarkers such as CRP, interleukin-6 (IL-6_, and tumor necrosis factor I (TNF-I).

Biomarkers are a response from each person to the severity and mortality due to COVID-19 can be decreased due to coffee consumption. Coffee can also reduce the risk of pneumonia in the elderly population.

Although on the one hand coffee may be useful, recognize the limits of drinking every day and avoid drinking it three hours before bedtime. Because the caffeine content can make someone who drinks it delayed sleep hours.

Eating a healthy diet can also reduce the severity of the infection. The effect of a strong immune system will fortify the body's system even more strongly. The researchers also suggest reducing consumption of processed meat and increasing fresh vegetables.

Doctor Vivek Jha, Senior Consultant, and Internal Medicine specialist at Fortis Shalimar Bagh Hospital advise not to drink coffee more than 3-4 cups a day.

According to a study from the Australian Center for Precision Health at the University of South Australia, heavy coffee consumption increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

That is, measure the right and safe dose for health and enjoy coffee after the stomach is filled to avoid stomach acid rising.