
35 years of existence in the Indonesian music scene is not a short journey for Erie Suzan. In the course of her career, Erie has released 28 albums. Note, these 28 albums are not singles. Finally, Erie released an album titled Dangdut Klasik Asyik last 9 February.

The COVID-19 pandemic does not inhibit her creativity. The need for work remains the main thing for this versatile dangdut artist.

"As an artist, my show is decreasing due to the pandemic period. Recently I just released my 28th album. It's called Dangdut Klasik Asyik Album. Actually, I'd love to make an album of various genres. Only this time I want to go back to my basic music, classic dangdut. To greet my missing fans, Erie Suzan is singing again," said Erie, who was met particularly by VOI's editor in Bekasi, West Java, Friday, February 26.

Starting her career as a rock singer and then becoming known as a dangdut singer, Erie is grateful to be able to continue to be on the water music stage. This gratitude is manifested by Erie by continuing to work for fans who are loyal to await her latest work.

"So this is how I worked from grade 2 junior high school, in 1992 if I'm not mistaken. Since then I have had the opportunity to work on a music label. Yes, I am very grateful, because basically I really love singing, if I don't make new works or a new album it feels like committing suicide,” he explained.

Pandemic is not a reason for her to stop working. Although at first, she had difficulty adjusting, this woman who was born on December 30, 1978, was still confident about releasing a new album.

"In this pandemic era, people who release singles are still thinking about it, but I feel that as an artist, I have the responsibility that I have a career and it is not a game. I have quite a lot of loyal fans who are looking forward to my work. Plus I have a friend who always supports me, Adibal," she said.

Erie Suzan (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

Not only pursuing material, but Erie's album work is also proof of love for fans who have been supporting her all this time. That is why Erie does not feel heavy when producing a new album during a pandemic.

"We make works that are not limited by time and situation, because the principle is that as long as we are given health, ability, and creativity, why not. I work sincerely, further if it gives me profit, it is categorized as the bonus from the Above (God), that's what keeps me being consistent," she explained.

Being a singer since the age of five, Erie Suzan is a living witness to changes in music distribution patterns. She is one of the singers who can not be lost to the times. The key is being able to adapt to the changes that occur.

"For me it's just a difference in the system, the beginning of the recording was still a cassette, then CD, now it goes digital, we have to follow. I don't make it a problem, instead, it makes it easier than before, where we had to have a physical album to listen to," said Erie.

The digital era, facilitates all production processes to the distribution of songs. "Now we keep buying, but it's not difficult because there is already a lot of media. All kinds of platforms, social media also exist, as long as we are active. Don't be clueless, if you're clueless ask how. I just like that, follow the system in every era," she explained.

Erie Suzan (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

There are always problems and obstacles in every job. In the creative industry, plagiarism and piracy are easy to do in today's digital era. Even though she was sick, Erie did not want to make this obstacle a burden.

"Ouch, when we talk about plagiarism it hurts, to be honest. Because we make a song, the process of making a recording takes time. It can be morning to night, until morning, and then retaking. That's why when a work is plagiarized, it hurts," she complained.

Facing trials that hinder creativity, Erie chooses to keep going. "How about it, honestly Indonesia is still difficult to overcome that. Even though the law has been passed, such things cannot be resolved individually, they must work together and continue to deal with the perpetrators. Because if we just inspect it every once in a while, people will definitely be stubborn again,” she said.

Instead of hoping that law enforcement is still weak, or hoping that pirates will be deterred, Erie hopes that no artists will stop creating. "The hope is that these artists are not tired, they are not tired in the sense of tackling things like that. On the one hand, we understand their lives. But the point is, awareness is needed, honesty even though we are actually pessimistic because if we walk alone, we cannot overcome piracy even if the law is there," she said.

Erie Suzan (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

The path of creativity, according to Erie, will find its own path of success. As long as the work continues, the community will remember it. The proof is that currently, many dangdut songs have become hits on TikTok which have made the singers famous.

“I want to say I am not a TikToker, but I keep viewing TikTok. Initially, it was just dancing imitating somebody, and the duration was not that long. But getting here the more interesting it actually is. Like other social media, whatever form it takes, we can use it to get a benefit," she explained.

The singer who comes from Lamongan sees TikTok as an effective promotional medium. "Music itself is very friendly to TikTok, so it's actually easier so people listen more. Because dangdut songs are often used for funny back sounds, it helps me. For promotion, it is very helpful. I don't think anyone doesn't play TikTok right now," she explained.

TikTok is also ideal for young dangdut singers who are mostly born out of dangdut competitions on television. Seeing many young musicians who were born from dangdut competitions, Erie Suzan was happy.

"As an artist, I am very grateful, specifically for dangdut, there are many young people who are passionate about working in the dangdut music path. The kids nowadays are amazing, just look at the looks of the girls now they look so cute. I'm not ashamed anymore to sing dangdut. I think that's really cool," she said.

Erie Suzan (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

Erie reminisced about her past where she was also born from a rock music competition. However, destiny brought her more to the dangdut line. According to her, music competition is the only way to start.

"I am very grateful, it's just that the many competitions mean a lot of opportunities for young people. It is more open to them, the only problem is, when it is part of any competition or event, don't stop at that point," she said.

Pengalaman mengajarkan Erie supaya tidak mudah puas. Demikian juga harapan Erie pada penyanyi baru. “Kompetisi itu kalau sudah sukses yang satu, lalu ada kedua, yang kedua sukses, ada yang ketiga, jadi pointnya bukan siapa yang lebih bagus. Tapi siapa yang bisa bertahan terus bekarya. Aku lebih berfikir bagaimana mereka bisa memanfaatkan momen, kesempatan, dan fasilitas yang ada saat kompetisi. Apalagi sekarang kan stasiun Tv juga mensupport bahkan sampai ke media sosialnya. Jadi harus memanfaatkan kesempatan dengan baik,” paparnya

Experience teaches Erie not to be easily satisfied. That's what Erie hopes for a new singer. "If one competition is successful, then the second competition arises, the second one is successful, then the third one arises, so the point is not who is the better one. But who can hold on to keep working. I think more about how they can take advantage of the moments, opportunities, and facilities available during the competition. Especially now that TV stations also support it even to social media. So we have to take advantage of the opportunity well," she explained.

There is one thing that Erie holds continuously. "After the competition, that's what must be taken into account, don't get complacent when invited on TV. An artist, both singer and celebrity, is known for their work. That's what I hope these young people will be excited to learn, and most importantly they work," she stressed.

In the current era, it is not only recent works that have become public consumption. The artist's personal life is also a way of bringing fans closer to their idols. Even though Erie never reveals her personal life to the media, she can understand when the artist's personal life is also publicly consumed through updates on social media.

"I see it as a risk. As a public figure. Actually out there, those fans have always been curious about their idol's personal life. It's just that in the past it was not exposed because not everyone knows the internet. Not everyone has played the platform on social media either. Now, the opportunity is more open to say anything,” she said.

This convenience, she continued, must be accompanied by responsibility and awareness that digital traces cannot be erased. "If you want to talk about the positive or the negative ones, just express it all. Including points about how personal life. Actually, it is not wrong and we can't hide it. That's why I said it's a risk. It's just that maybe it takes an artist's maturity to make social media more sustainable,” she said.

"We can't force everyone to like us, there might be someone out there who doesn't like us. For me to what extent we can provide positive information. The rest, if it becomes a hoax and so on, it must be remembered that digital traces cannot be erased. To whom someone makes a statement with, what is the statement, it all can be viewed. That's why it can't be stopped, it depends on how wisely we are in responding to social media," she said.

So what makes Erie not tempted to indulge her personal life to increase her popularity? "I am personally a very ignorant person, apart from family, close friends, they know I am not like that. What people out there think about me, I really don't care. So it's a public figure's risk," she explained.

Erie Suzan (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

Rather than being busy thinking about gossip, Erie prefers to actively compose songs. "I also help young people who want to work in music. One of the newest is that I am a producer of Celshi Leticia, a 12-year-old girl, I wrote a song called Mama," she said.

Erie created a song called Mama especially for Celshi with the pop genre. "So, actually my basic is rock music. But the chance I got for the first time is to record dangdut music. Since I was a kid, I was used to singing in various genres. So pop is not something strange for me,” she explained.

As a songwriter and producer, Erie understands the character of Celshi's voice that fits well with pop songs. "Because this child has a unique voice character, one who is very young, one who is lax, who is very sincere," she said.

This children's song is a dedication for children who are now missing the new special song of their theme. “This is a form of my concern about the lack of children's songs, because of the tendency of children to sing adult songs. Yes, what I do can't change that. But at least I do something, by releasing songs with popular genres. I have the ability, the songs are simple and easy listening afterall, not requiring to think hard to study the song. Moreover, the theme I chose was about a mother, which is related to many people. For kids who care for their mothers, this is easy to remember. Celshi also has a very soft voice, so it's simple," she concluded.


Biodata of Erie Suzan

Full Name

Erie Suzan


Erie Suzan 

Place and Date of Birth 

Lamongan, December 30, 1978 




Dangdut, Pop, R&B Singer