In Order To Be Protected From UV Light, Follow 5 Tips To Dress Up When The Weather Is Hot

YOGYAKARTA When the sky is blue and the sun shines bright, you seem to need to choose the right clothes so you don't get excited and are protected from UV exposure. Especially if you have to do outdoor activities, then the texture of clothing ingredients, colors, and footwear should not be wrong. Here are tips to dress when the weather is hot that supports your activities more comfortably all day.

Clothing made from synthetic materials such as polyesters, unfortunately, will make you sweat heavily, especially when you have to take a tight train or bus. Then choose clothes made from mild and let your skin breathe a sigh of relief. Such as cotton clothes and linen.

Launching the Skin Cancer Foundation page, Monday, June 12, clothes are skin protection from the sun. The right clothes offer protection, choose white or pastel. Because dark or bright colors include red, black, dark blue, absorbing more UV rays than brighter ones such as white and pastel. As a suggestion, the more intense the pattern, the better the protection the clothes give.

Although polyesters make the skin unable to breathe in hot weather, outer with this material is the best choice. Apart from synthetic fibers, you can choose other dense cloth fibers. Such as dense weaving, lime, denim, or corduroy.

It seems that it is the opposite of how to provide comfort to the skin and can get air circulation so that pores can still breathe a sigh of relief with total protection covering the skin. However, you need a smart strategy. You can wear layered clothes, such as on a layer that directly touches the skin wearing light clothes and loose sizes. While the outermost layer, wear clothes made of tight and dense materials including synthetic materials.

Do you feel a change in temperature during the day and night? During the day the sun is hot and before night the air feels windy cold. This change in temperature makes you need to adapt. The easiest strategy, you can wear the lightest clothes. But still don't leave outer made from denim, flannel shirt, or bomber jacket, and others according to your fashion preferences. Of course, outer is very useful for anticipating changes in temperature from day to night.

Those are the five tips to dress in hot weather so that they are protected from the sun's UV light. Have you done the tips above in choosing and wearing outfits during this dry season?