The Ministry Of Finance Calls The New Gold Tax Rules Supporting The Ecosystem Of Business Actors

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has reorganized the imposition of Income Tax (PPh) and Value Added Tax (VAT) for the sale/submission of gold and services related to the sale/submission of gold jewelry, gold bullion, jewelry whose materials are entirely not gold, gemstones and/or other similar stones.

In addition, services related to gold jewelry, gold bullion, jewelry with all materials are not gold, and/or gemstones and/or other similar stones, which are carried out by manufacturers and jewelry gold traders as well as gold bullion entrepreneurs.

Director of Counseling, Services and Public Relations (P2Humas) Dwi Astuti explained that this rearrangement aims to provide convenience, legal certainty, simplicity, and a reduction in tariffs.

"The reduction in tariffs is intended as a tool to encourage all jewelry industry business players to enter the system so as to create a level playing field in all levels of the jewelry gold industry ecosystem," he said in a press statement quoted Wednesday, May 3.

According to Dwi, the new mechanism for imposing taxes on gold and services, including Taxable Entrepreneurs (PKP), gold jewelry manufacturers are required to collect VAT with a certain amount of 1.1 percent of the selling price for delivery to other jewelry gold manufacturers.

Then, gold jewelery traders or 1.65 percent of the selling price for submission to final consumers, and must collect VAT at a certain amount of 1.1 percent of the selling price in the event that PKP has a certain tax/document invoice in fact complete on the acquisition/import of gold jewelry, or 1.65 percent of the selling price in terms of not having it.

Dwi explained that specifically for the handover by PKP, gold jewelery sellers to gold jewelery manufacturers, a certain amount was set at 0 percent of the selling price.

It was stated that the tariff was down when compared to the previous regulation in PMK-30/PMK.03/2014, where the PKP Factory and PKP gold jewelery sellers owed VAT of 10 percent multiplied by the basis for imposition of taxes in the form of other value of 20 percent of the selling or replacement price (effective rate of 2 percent of the selling or replacement price).

"On the other hand, in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP), gold bullion for the benefit of state foreign exchange reserves is not subject to VAT. Meanwhile, gold bullion other than for the benefit of state foreign exchange reserves is provided with VAT facilities not collected in terms of meeting the criteria as stipulated in PP49/2022," he said.

Dwi added that gold bullion entrepreneurs are also required to collect Article 22 income tax of 0.25 percent of the selling price, except for the sale of gold bullion to final consumers, taxpayers who are subject to final income tax. PP-55/2022 (ex PP-23/2018), WP which has a collection decree on PPh, Bank Indonesia, or sales through the physical digital gold market in accordance with the provisions regarding commodity futures trading.

The 'PPh Article 22' is not final and can be taken into account as PPh payments in the current year. The PPh Article 22 tariff is calculated to decrease when compared to the previous regulation in PMK34/PMK.010/2017, where previously, PPh Article 22 was collected at 0.45 percent of the selling price," he said.

Namun, sambung Dwi, pendekatan pengaturan baru ini tidak hanya memperhatikan dari sisi emas perhiasan saja, tetapi juga memperhatikan dari sisi Pengusaha Emas Perhiasan. Oleh karena itu, apabila PKP Pabrikan dan PKP Pedagang Emas Perhiasan juga menjual perhiasan yang bahan seluruhnya bukan dari emas dan/atau batu permata dan/atau batu lainnya yang sejenis, kini perlakuan PPN-nya sama dengan emas perhiasan.Dwi mengungkapkan, PKP pabrikan dan PKP pedagang emas perhiasan wajib memungut PPN dengan besaran tertentu sebesar 1,1 persen dari harga jual. Selain itu, sama seperti pengusaha emas batangan, pabrikan dan pedagang emas perhiasan juga wajib memungut PPh Pasal 22 sebesar 0,25 persen dari harga jual, kecuali penjualan kepada konsumen akhir, WP yang dikenai PPh final cfm.

PP-55/2022 (ex PP-23/2018), or WP which has a PPh collection decree. The PPh Article 22 is not final and can be taken into account as PPh payments in the current year," he added.

In addition, the manufacturer's PKP and PKP gold jewelery traders are required to collect VAT with a certain amount of 1.1 percent of the replacement for the delivery of services related to gold jewelry, gold bullion, jewelry with all materials not from gold, and/or gemstones and/or other similar stones.

In addition, for the reward of these services, Article 21 or Article 23 of PPh is deducted according to general regulations by those who pay service rewards, except for taxpayers who are taxpayers who are subject to final PPh cfm. PP-55/2022 (ex PP-23/2018), and WP who have a SKB withholding income tax.