
KAPUAS HULU - The border security task force (Satgas Pamtas) Yonarmed 19/105 Trk Bogani thwarted three Indonesian migrant jobs (PMI) from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) who were about to go to Malaysia via a rat road or non-procedural road on the Indonesia-Malaysia border in Badau District, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan.

"The three PMIs walked on the rat road to work in Malaysia, but the three were thwarted when the Pamtas Task Force soldiers carried out patrols," said Commander of the Pamtas Task Force Yonarmed 19/105 tork Bogani Lt. Col. Arm Edi Yulian Budiargo as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2.

The three illegal PMIs from NTB had the initials OT (21) a resident of Plampang District, Sumbawa Regency, GL (17) a resident of West Sakra District, East Lombok, and NR (44) a resident of West Sakra District, East Lombok.

He conveyed the patrol activities carried out by Pamtas Task Force soldiers based on the leadership's orders, but when they were about to patrol, soldiers saw three people walking towards Malaysia.

After that, the three illegal PMIs were secured to the Badau National Border Post (PLBN) for questioning and data collection by the Badau PLBN Immigration according to procedures.

"The three PMIs were also subjected to a health check at the Pontianak Wilker Port Health Office, the Badau PLBN to undergo health protocol checks related to handling the spread of COVID-19," said Edi.

He said the failure of illegal PMIs in border areas had often been carried out by the Pamtas Yonarmed Task Force 19/105 Trk Bogani.

For this reason, he said, cooperation between related agencies needs to be increased to tighten supervision at a number of vulnerable points in the border areas of the two countries.

"Cooperation between agencies to maintain border areas needs to be increased considering that border areas are prone to illegal activities, one of which is related to illegal PMIs," he said.