Check The Wife Of The Perpetrator, Police Call The Perpetrator Of The Shooting Of The MUI Office Having A Heart History And Asma
JAKARTA - The police continue to investigate the cause of death of the perpetrator of the shooting of the Central Jakarta MUI office, Mustoa. It is known, Polda Metro Jaya in coordination with the Lampung Police has examined the wife of the alleged perpetrator. Director of General Criminal Investigation (Direskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Hengki Haryadi said based on the results of a temporary examination from the perpetrator's wife. It turned out that the perpetrator had a history of asthma and heart disease.
"The results of our coordination with the Lampung Regional Police there are also preliminary investigations about this, his wife is also being examined, he has a history of heart disease and Asma," Hengki told reporters at the Menteng Police, Tuesday, May 2.
Hengki also revealed that his party also found dozens of types of asthma and other drugs. However, to ensure the cause of death, his party is still waiting for the Metro Jaya Police Health Medical team.
"Then what we got was 11 caplets of asthma, including other drugs that are currently being investigated by the health medicine of the Polda Metro Jaya. But we haven't concluded yet, don't make any mistakes, we haven't concluded yet," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the 24-hour service coordinator of the Menteng District Health Center, Dera Yudiana, revealed that the perpetrator of the shooting of the Central Jakarta MUI office with the initials M had died before arriving at his place. He knew this during an examination of the perpetrator for 15 minutes.
"So around 11.50 WIB, the police came with the suspect, after conducting an examination and getting results, that the perpetrator was already dead when he came to the puskesmas," said Dera when met by Jalan Pegangsaan Barat, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, May 2.
"That's right, died on the street or on the spot (mui). That's for further autopsy examinations to be carried out for more detailed information," he continued.
After an examination was carried out, said Dera, the perpetrator was immediately taken to the Police Hospital. The goal is for further action.
"So it didn't take long for the police to arrive. They were taken directly to the hospital from here," he said.