
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology said it was preparing several policies to support the development of digital transformation, which includes the formulation of the 2045 Indonesia Digital Vision (VID).

Globally, digital transformation has contributed significantly to the global economy. According to World Economy Forum and McKinsey data, by 2025 it is estimated that the added value of digital transformation will reach 100 trillion US dollars.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi also stated that Indonesia is also trying to take advantage of the added value of digital transformation which is estimated to contribute 11 percent to GDP in 2040.

Budi explained that VID 2045 will outline the basic achievements of implementing Indonesia's digital roadmap. In addition, it also collects various inputs from relevant stakeholders in formulating the necessary policy directions, strategies, and regulatory frameworks.

"Everything is aimed at maximizing opportunities in the midst of challenges that we must overcome together, including technological disruptions, digital inequality, and cybersecurity issues," Budi said in an official broadcast on Tuesday, November 14.

However, not only in the form of VID 2045, Budi said that Kominfo has also assessed the National Digital Transformation Index as an illustration of the progress of digital transformation in Indonesia, which consists of five pillars, namely infrastructure, government, business, society, and ecosystems, both at the national and regional levels.

Minister Budi Arie hopes that the existence of technology can be a tool for a greater purpose, such as encouraging growth and improving welfare. Therefore, he invites all parties to work together in utilizing technological forces for the progress of the Indonesian people.

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