
JAKARTA - During the Q4 earnings meeting with investors, Apple CEO Tim Cook denied that Apple was lagging behind other companies regarding the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Because according to him, all the new features available in iOS 17, such as Personal Voice and Live Voicemail for example, would not be able to function without AI.

“We label them according to their consumer benefits. But the fundamental technology behind it is AI and machine learning," said Cook, citing TechCrunch.

Cook also emphasized that AI is the core technology of these features. Because, without AI, the function of this feature would not occur.

“AI is at the heart of these features. Then, you can take advantage of life-saving features on your watch and phone like fall detection, collision detection, ECG on your watch. This would not be possible without AI,” he said.

Furthermore, Cook also confirmed that Apple is working on generative AI technology. However, he declined to provide details because Apple doesn't actually do that.

Meanwhile, Live Voicemail is a feature that allows the system to pick up the phone automatically when an unknown number calls the user.

Meanwhile, Personal Voice is a feature that allows you to create a synthetic voice that sounds like your own voice to communicate with family and friends.

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