
JAKARTA - Threads Software Limited, a software development company, will sue Meta for the use of the same name, namely Threads for its newest platform.

Quoting from Engadget, Threads Software claims to have a trademark for its company name. They have controlled this trademark for 11 years since 2012.

Threads Software says Meta has made four separate attempts since April this year to buy also removed Threads Software Limited from their Facebook platform.

Meta's bold action gained resistance from Threads Software. The company gave 30 days for Meta to stop using the name Threads.

If Meta remains silent and reluctant to change, Threads Software will take the matter to the British court. The reason is, Meta has brought a serious threat to their company.

Threads Software claims to have spent quite a long time, more than 10 years, developing their common awareness. With the various efforts they have made, the company will not give in to Meta.

In the company's blog, Threads Software said, "For us, changing the name of the service just to avoid confusion with Meta products can result in a setback in the service so we lose the technology advantage."

For information, the problem of using the name Threads is not only detrimental to Threads Software. Previously, there was an Instagram account with the same name, even his username immediately used the name THreads.

A month after Meta launched its new platform, thefashion account changed its name to Equarianthreads.Meta also changed Instagram Threads username fromthreadsapp toThreads.

No one knows the process behind this username transition. However, it is very certain that Meta contacted account users personally to take over their accounts.

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