
JAKARTA - Google has now been enriched with the Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) feature. In fact, the application of this Generative AI can be easily accessed in Google searches.

Through the AI-based Search Generative Experience (SGE) feature, Google can create AI images with text descriptions typed in the search. Users simply explain the idea and SGE will print several images according to the idea presented.

Interestingly, the resulting image can be further edited to add more details in it. To use this feature, make sure that Chrome used is in the latest version.

Quoting from Makeuseof, users must open the Google Search Labs website and go to the page. After that, type the desired description in the search box, for example draw an image of a flying car.

After tap enter, several images will be displayed. Click any image you want and tap edit in the lower corner of the left to add details. When finished, users can download the image by clicking Export and Download.

Although this SGE can be accessed easily, there are rules that are limited by Google. SGE can only be accessed by residents of the United States (US) over 18 years old. In other words, the age below or other citizens cannot use it.

Not only that, Google Search Labs is also inaccessible to all countries. Google only allows countries such as America, India, and Japan.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by