JAKARTA - Microsoft will finally integrate its Bing Chat soon for third-party browsers, especially Google and Safari. However, the available features will be limited by the company.
In third-party browsers, Microsoft only provides 2.000 characters which is much lower than the 4.000 character limit in Microsoft Edge.
Then, the OpenAI ChatGPT-4-supported chatbot turn limit on Google Chrome and Safari is only set to five messages per conversation, as opposed to the 30 messages that can be used in Microsoft Edge.
Of course, this is quite disappointing for users who prefer to produce long-form content.
What's more, users using the Windows 10 or 11 Operating System (OS) will also receive notifications on the taskbar encouraging them to download and switch to Microsoft Edge for a better experience.
Others, Bing Chat can also now be used in dark mode. To apply the new theme, users can open Settings, click Appearance and select Dark or System Default.
Bringing Bing Chat to third-party browsers could be a good move for Microsoft and users who aren't used to Edge, but not with the limitations set.
As information quoted from Android Central, Tuesday, July 25, Microsoft's move to develop Bing Chat and bring it to Edge with ChatGPT is a response to Google, which also makes its own chatbot, Bard.
Likewise with Apple, which is currently testing AppleGPT internally for features in its products, such as Siri.
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