Apple Successfully Stopped Fraud Transactions Of IDR 29.8 Trillion
Apple has stopped fraudulent transactions in the app store (photo: App store)


JAKARTA - Since its launch in 2008, the App Store has a mission of achieving two important goals: to build reliable and secure platforms for users to find and download apps, and also to provide exciting opportunities for developers to show their ideas and develop their business.

On Tuesday, May 16, Apple issued a report on the company's performance in improving its app purchase platform, the App Store.

The report states that in 2022, the App Store managed to prevent more than $2 billion in transactions that could potentially be fraudulent, and rejected nearly 1.7 million app shipments for failing to meet the App Store's high standards for privacy, security and content.

In addition, Apple revealed that the company has succeeded in eradicating 428,000 developer accounts and 282 million customer accounts due to fraud and abuse last year.

On the other hand, fake ratings and reviews have always been Apple's main concern. Because, many users rely on reviews and ratings to help decide which apps to download.

"Increases and reviews are an important feature of the App Store. Users rely on them to help decide which apps to download, and developers use them as an important feedback to improve their app. The inauthentic rating and review of scam accounts or bots can mislead users into downloading untrustworthy apps," Apple said.

In 2022, with more than 1 billion ratings and reviews processed, Apple blocked and removed more than 147 million ratings and reviews for failing to meet moderation standards.

"Apple's work to keep the App Store a safe and trusted place for users and developers is never completed. When bad actors develop their dishonest scam tactics and methods, Apple completes anti-fraud initiatives with feedback obtained from various channels from the news to social media to AppleCare calls and will continue to develop new approaches and tools designed to prevent fraud from harming App Store users and developers," the company concluded.

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