
JAKARTA - During February, the Ministry of Trade together with the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) and the Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders Association (ASPAKRINDO) held the Crypto Literacy Month.

The 2023 Crypto Literacy Month is here to strengthen public understanding regarding the physical trading of crypto assets through various programs. BLK 2023 is implemented in several cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya and Makassar both offline, online or hybrid.

Thanks to a series of BLK 2023 programs yesterday, Aspakrindo Chairman Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda saw that investors currently have more provisions to start entering the world of crypto investment.

"Investors already have more provisions to enter the world of crypto investment. Starting from regulatory knowledge to investment strategies," said Manda a few days ago when contacted by VOI.

Furthermore, Manda also thinks that crypto investment has a promising opportunity for the long term, especially the current banking crisis, which then creates high public distrust of banks, and becomes the advantage of crypto assets as a place to store their assets.

"Overall, investing in crypto assets still has promising opportunities for the long term. Collectively, the crypto market is likely to have the potential to move positively," he added.

On the other hand, the value of major crypto assets in the first quarter of 2023, which experienced an increase, led to an increase in the number of crypto transactions in Indonesia to Rp38.48 trillion as of March this year.

"Meanwhile, the number of crypto asset investors in Indonesia in the first quarter amounted to 17.14 million investors. On average there was growth of 149,792 investors per month," he concluded.

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