JAKARTA - If you are a gamer or game lover, you must be familiar with the Twitch platform. With this platform, you can upload, broadcast live while playing games from various platforms to thousands of viewers in real time.
On Twitch, you must have a name for your Twitch account. There, you can change the display name easily and quickly. However, before changing your display name, there are things to consider.
Different View Names (Display Name) and Usernames (Username) Twitch
Note that the View Name field is slightly different from the User Name. Your View Name is the name displayed on your profile and when you comment on a chat of a channel. While Username is the identifier of your account and functions as the URL for your profile.
In addition, please note that when you change the name of your Twitch insulter, your old username URL will not be redirected automatically to a new one. So, make sure to update the link on all your social accounts and notify your followers.
How to Change User Name (Username) Twitch
If you have considered the above, then you can immediately change your username easily. Follow the following steps:
It should be noted that you can only change the username every 60 days, so make sure you change it properly before confirming it.
Old usernames will be available to other users after six months have passed. And you won't be able to regain your old name for at least those six months if you change your mind.
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