
JAKARTA - Unwittingly, the storage on your cellphone is rapidly decreasing, aka running out. The first thing you should do is definitely delete old photos or videos, but have you ever thought about clearing the cache on the Facebook app.

Even if it's not a huge amount, clearing your Facebook cache can help increase the amount of storage on your device, but instead, you might increase your data usage instead.

As your device re-downloads files from Facebook servers again, it will consume more of your mobile data if you are not connected to WiFi while using the app.

The cache is a collection of small digital files stored offline by your device so there is no need to re-download the data every time you open the app.

For Facebook, that includes the pages you visit and the links you use to get to them, as well as much of your other activity within the social media platform Meta. Although small, this data can take up valuable storage on your device.

For that, here's how to clear the cache on your Facebook app which can be done in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, and other browsers. Or, you can clear the cache directly from the Facebook mobile app.

How to Clear Facebook Cache on Android

1. Open the Settings app on your Android phone or tablet.

2. Tap Apps or Apps and notifications.

3. Select Manage applications or View all applications.

4. Scroll down until you find Facebook and tap it.

5. Select Storage or Storage and Cache.

6. Then, you will be presented with two options, Clear storage, and Clear cache. Selecting Clear storage will free up more space on your device, but will also delete saved passwords and other logins. Make sure you have remembered it or saved it somewhere else.

However, there is no way to clear Facebook cache from its iOS version, users are advised to uninstall the app and then reinstall it to clear up more storage inside the app. This was quoted from Slashgear, Monday, April 10.

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