Microsoft CEO Insults His Own Product, Says Cortana, Also Siri And Alexa Stupid!
Illustration of Cortana (photo: doc. Special)


JAKARTA - Voice assistants are growing rapidly in the market, but that doesn't appeal to Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, who calls such technology stupid.

Nadella in his interview with FT, stated that the first voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant were stupid as rocks.

"They're all stupid as rocks. Whether it's Cortana or Alexa or Google Assistant or Siri, none of these things work. We have a product that should be a new front-end for a lot of (information) that doesn't work," Nadella said.

Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Google Assistant and Cortana are used by people even today. According to Nadella, there is no such thing as a functional digital assistant.

He added that there are products being developed to serve as new portals for a lot of data, but they are flawed.

In 2014, Microsoft released Cortana as a virtual productivity assistant that can react to queries, schedule regular meetings, and take notes, among other things.

However, due to the lack of smartphone success, Microsoft, unlike Apple and Google, has relied heavily on third parties to implement Cortana, as quoted from Mashable, Wednesday, March 8th.

Based on research by Insider Intelligence, in 2018, only 2 percent of people worldwide rely on Cortana as their main voice assistant.

Microsoft will stop supporting apps for Android and iOS in 2021 because Nadella no longer sees the products as a threat to Alexa or Google Assistant.

With the release of OpenAI's ChatGPT in November last year, interest in generative AI has skyrocketed, Nadella sees it as the right time to go further.

In fact, ChatGPT managed to get 100 million users in just two months, it became the fastest growing internet application.

Seeing that, Microsoft has invested 1 billion US dollars (Rp. 15.4 trillion) in OpenAI. The company also launched a new search engine, Bing based on the same technology, which is said to be more powerful than ChatGPT.

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