
YOGYAKARTA - AI technology is everywhere nowadays. It has slowly grown in popularity and importance, but has recently gone mainstream with a number of high-profile (and very cool) projections and applications. Let's find out jobs that can be replaced by AI!

One of the most talked about is AI image generation technologies such as Dall-E 2, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion. These programs use text commands to create incredible images of scenes and characters that are only limited by the imagination.

A guy from Colorado even won a prize for digital art at the State Fair, with art he created using Midjourney. Even though there is a cash prize of US$300 on offer for the win, the odd art prize here and there probably won't make the AI ​​have a big impact on the economy.

The problem is, AI goes a lot further than making pretty pictures.

We see the use of artificial intelligence growing all the time, across all different sectors of the economy. This will likely end up with a lot of jobs as we know they don't exist anymore. That sounds a bit doom and gloom, but the truth is that the use of AI tools and technology is likely to help free humans to focus on more rewarding and fulfilling work.

The problem is, AI goes a lot further than making pretty pictures.

We see the use of artificial intelligence growing all the time, across all different sectors of the economy. This will likely end up with a lot of jobs as we know they don't exist anymore. That sounds a bit doom and gloom, but the truth is that the use of AI tools and technology is likely to help free humans to focus on more rewarding and fulfilling work.

Ilustrasi AI di Masa Depan (Possessed Photography - Unsplash)
AI Illustration in the Future (Possessed Photography - Unsplash)

AI Replaceable Jobs

Bookkeeping and data entry

It's possible that you haven't heard of bookkeeping as a profession in a while. Instead of using humans for data entry and bookkeeping, it makes sense to introduce AI and ML (Machine Learning) in the product cycle.


And with automated check-in at hotels large and small, the need for a receptionist will diminish in the long run. Today, even in fast food establishments, people can order via a communication screen or tab. With the introduction of AI, there is a high probability that robots can handle ordering and other related functions.


While editing is a more complex job in terms of tone, comprehension, and more, proofreading is much simpler. Detecting grammatical errors, sentence construction and other errors can be easily automated through different applications. For example, Grammarly is one of the most famous apps that professionals use for this purpose.

Customer service executive

Customer service executives do not require a high level of social or emotional intelligence to perform. Many companies now rely on AI to answer FAQs and customer support questions. Chatbots are not only an important part of customer interaction. They also support many internal queries, among other things.

Manufacturing and pharmaceutical jobs

This sector is perhaps the most widespread area where people fear AI will take over jobs. While the production process for most of the commodities produced today is mechanized, operational aspects can also be handled by AI.

Even in a pharmaceutical laboratory, robots can work together with scientists to create a much safer environment. Scientists will no longer risk their lives.

Retail service

Automated services have replaced the people doing the sales pitch. From multiple merchants focusing on self-ordering and payment options, AI can also get involved quickly.

Robots are replacing the job of retailers in many shopping conglomerates to understand customer patterns. In addition, advanced data analysis from the AI ​​engine indicates other products that customers may be interested in in the future.

Courier service

AI has introduced many social and economic changes to the delivery industry. This has streamlined various logistics and supply chain functions. Drones and robots are already taking over courier services. Apart from the manufacturing industry, the transportation sector will be most affected when robotic automation explodes in the coming years.


We've watched robotic surgeons perform critical surgeries around the world, and it's only a matter of time before they truly replace us. Doctor robots will make more accurate and effective treatments for patients compared to their human counterparts. There is also less chance of infection due to more sterile procedures and no room for human error.


Military professionals believe that the battlefield of the future will consist of robots that can follow orders without constant supervision. Robots are significantly used in military operations for various tasks such as surveillance, intelligence, and many more.

So after knowing the jobs that can be replaced by AI, check out other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize reporting!

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