JAKARTA - Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, he has brought many changes to the microblogging platform. Soon, users will reportedly be able to tweet without a character limit.
Musk said Twitter would soon add long-form text capabilities to tweets, and he would also end the plight of users who often type messages into notepads and then upload screenshots to Twitter, to overcome character restrictions.
Twitter will soon add ability to attach long-form text to tweets, ending absurdity of notepad screenshots
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 5, 2022
The number of characters in a tweet was originally designed to fit the official limit for SMS text messages on mobile phones of 140 characters.
It was later expanded to 280 characters in 2017. Now, Musk will remove the existing upper limit as well. At the same time, Musk also highlighted Twitter's search feature and said his company is working on making it even better.
Launching Engadget, Monday, November 7, after Musk tweeted the announcement of the new feature, NBC News journalist Ben Collins pointed out that Twitter had been testing the text-sharing feature before it was taken over by the billionaire.
Earlier this year, various experimental features analyst Jane Manchun Wong discovered Twitter was working on an articles feature to post longer tweets. However, it is not yet known for sure when the new feature that Musk is talking about will launch.
Last week, Twitter also started releasing new rules under which users have to pay $127 per month to get a blue tick badge on their account and gain access to several new features, including the ability to upload longer videos.
So users must subscribe to the Twitter Blue service first then they will get a blue tick verification account. Unfortunately, just a day later, the verification feature was withdrawn by the company because it received a lot of protests.
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