
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendag) has visited the Alva manufacturing facility in Cikarang, West Java, as part of efforts to promote the environmentally friendly vehicle industry in Indonesia.

This visit is also an opportunity to implement industrial technology 4.0 to support the escalation of domestically quality electric vehicle production.

Moga Simatupang, Director General of Consumer Protection and Orderly Commerce at the Ministry of Trade, expressed his joy because Alva has supported the government's program to encourage people to switch from gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles.

"We expect Alva to always respond quickly in responding and responding to input from consumers. We will also always encourage Alva to continue to promote so that more and more people switch to using electric motorbikes", said Moga Simatupang, during his visit, in an official statement received by VOI, Friday, November 24.

Purbaja Pantja, President Director of PT. Ilectra Motor Group, which houses the Alva brand, welcomed the visit of the Ministry of Trade and hoped that the industrial innovation implemented by Alva could inspire the development of electric motorcycle technology and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

In addition, this visit also aims to understand more about Alva's contribution to the development of the electric motor industry in Indonesia. The Ministry of Trade appreciates Alva's efforts to support the government's agenda to maintain environmental sustainability and reduce carbon emissions, in accordance with the principles of net-zero emissions by 2060.

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