
Professor Dr. Yusril Ihza Mahendra regretted the cancellation of the lawsuit against the law over the alleged fake Jokowi's diploma by lawyers Bambang Tri Mulyono (BTM) at the Central Jakarta District Court last week. According to the expert on constitutional law who is also the former Minister of State Secretary, the case should be continued until the case is completed and inkracht van gewijsde. Let the court decide on the lawsuit filed by Bambang Tri Mulyono. If there is a decision then there will be no more politicization.

The alleged case of President Jokowi's fake diploma emerged and became public consumption when the author of the book Jokowi Under Cover, Bambang Tri Mulyono, filed a lawsuit against Jokowi for the alleged fake diploma to the Central Jakarta District Court in early October. Not long after registering the lawsuit, BTM was later arrested by the Directorate of Cyber ​​Crime of the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police for the alleged blasphemy case.

A few days after being detained, BTM through its lawyers officially withdrew the lawsuit. According to BTM's lawyers, since their client was arrested, it has been difficult for them to gather evidence to win the lawsuit. Moreover, since BTM was detained by the police he could not be visited. In fact, according to them, it is BTM who has access to witnesses and evidence to be presented in court.

UGM Clarification

The issue of the alleged President Jokowi's fake diploma has attracted quite a lot of attention. The Chancellor of the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Prof. Ova Emilia even commented and confirmed the original President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) diploma. He confirmed that Jokowi graduated from the UGM Faculty of Forestry.

President Jokowi, said Ova, was listed as an alumnus of the S1 Study Program at the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University batch of 1980. It was declared that he graduated from UGM in 1985 according to the provisions and proof of graduation based on documents owned by UGM.

According to Ova, he delivered the clarification as a form of UGM's responsibility as an institution providing higher education to its alumni. Regarding the writing format on Jokowi's diploma, which was considered different from the diplomas of other UGM alumni, Ova explained that at that time there was no uniform format and still used fine writing.

The Dean of the UGM Faculty of Forestry, Sigit Sunarta, also confirmed that Jokowi's diploma was in accordance with the format of the UGM Faculty of Forestry at that time. And, not only UGM, but colleagues from high school also helped to convince that President Jokowi's diploma was genuine.

So, it is true what Prof. Dr. Yusril Ihza Mahendra said. It is better not to revoke the alleged fake diploma case of President Jokowi. If BTM and its lawyers believe in the accusations, the case will be forwarded to the court until a legal decision is made.

With a legal decision, it is not only an end to the political controversy related to this matter, but it is also very important that this controversial case ends clearly. Otherwise, this case will forever hang and become an endless political gossip.

And, for BTM, if the allegations are not proven, they are ready to accept legal risks. Don't just make noise. If you are sure, why are you afraid? Or is it because there is no evidence so that the lawsuit is withdrawn? Or it can also be reversed, Jokowi supporters report BTM to prove their accusations. (*)

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