
JAKARTA Memories of today, five years ago, November 20, 2018, the Indian film star, Amitabh Bachchan, confirmed that he had paid the debt of 1,398 farmers in his homeland, Uttar Pradesh. He also spent more than 40 million rupees or the equivalent of Rp7.4 billion.

Previously, the lives of farmers in India were often far from prosperous. Problem after problem of visiting them. From drought to decreased productivity. Therefore, farmers' debts accumulated and the suicide rate rose sharply.

The story of the state failing to protect farmers is not new. In India, especially. The lives of Indian farmers often contradict the word prosperous since the last decades. His life is getting ahead of him. In fact, the agricultural sector is able to absorb many Indian workers.

It all started with increasingly unfriendly weather factors, aka the influence of climate fruits. This problem makes farmers no longer understand the weather. Sometimes during the rainy season it is excessive, sometimes there is a long dry season.

As a result everywhere. Farmers are crop failure. This failure makes the farmers lose money. Their lives are disrupted. Because, the only income comes from agriculture. Even they do not have the skills to perpetuate work in other fields.

The Indian government does not want to remain silent. They perpetuate a variety of policies. However, the policies presented rarely benefit farmers. Instead of bringing many benefits, the existing policies actually bring harm because they tend to benefit investors. Not farmers.

The shattered financial condition made the farmers owe a lot of money. They are forced to perpetuate their debts in order to finance their daily needs. However, the debt that is perpetuated is increasingly piling up like a bomb of time. Farmers are unable to pay their debts. This fact made many farmers choose to commit suicide.

One surprising paper by researcher Tamma Carlaton has stated that global warming has been responsible for 59,000 suicides. Most by farmers, in India-in which one-fifth of all suicide cases in the world have occurred.

And the number of suicide cases has doubled since 1980. When the temperature is high, Carleton finds that a one-degree increase in just one day will result in an additional 70 bodies of suicide farmers, "explained David Wallace-Wells in the book Uninhabitable Earth (2019).

The fate of the farmers who are increasingly concerned raises a tone of concern. The star of the Indian film, Amitabh Bachchan, for example. He admitted that he was sad about the lives of farmers who lived well. In fact, they are an important foundation of the Indian economy.

Instead of waiting for the government's movement, Amitabh perpetuated his own efforts. He chose to intervene to help farmers be free from debt. The assistance was given to farmers in his homeland in Uttar Pradesh. In total he helped 1,398 farmers who were in debt. He also spent more than 40 million rupees.

The assistance was confirmed by Amitabh on November 20, 2018. He also facilitated farmers to meet and receive payment signs from bank representatives. This step made Amitabh satisfied. He even said that his actions paid off farmers' debts like an important achievement in life.

"I certainly wish to provide this document, confirm that their debt has been repaid, personally," said Amitabh as quoted on the BBC website, November 21, 2018.

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