JAKARTA - History today, 57 years ago on May 23, 1965, the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) celebrated its 45th anniversary. The celebrations held at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium were spectacular. PKI sympathizers succeeded in turning Jakarta red. Even President Soekarno also gave his speech. This enthusiasm made Jakarta the capital of a communist country. Moreover, posters of the faces of the PKI leaders, DN Aidit and Soekarno, were plastered all over the capital.
Perhaps there is no PKI in Indonesia, without the name of a Dutch Communist, Henk Sneevliet. He became the main character who introduced Marxism-communism in the archipelago. He also started his political career by establishing the Indische Social Democratische Vereniging (ISDV).
The mission is clear. He wanted to instill the notion of Marxism-Communism among the Bumiputras. Hence, Sneevliet recruited an all-embracing member. From the natives and Europeans. The echoes of Marxism that he brought many results. Many among the workers in the archipelago sympathize. There are also figures from Sarekat Indonesia (SI) who have contributed to the development of Marxism.

The famous SI figure who is close to ISDV is Semaoen. The involvement of SI members gave rise to a new camp: the red SI. Meanwhile, Tjokroaminoto is the white camp. The presence of the red SI group is not in line with the white camp.
The difference in understanding is remembered as a war of understanding between students and teachers. Semaoen is a student, and Tjokroaminoto is a teacher. The involvement of Semaoen and his friends in the Red SI began to be considered as an intruder. Semaoen then moved to establish the PKI on May 23, 1920. The establishment of the PKI then officially replaced the ISDV.
“On May 23, 1920, the PKI (Communist Union in Indonesia), was founded as a replacement for the ISDV, under the leadership of Semaoen. At the congress of the Islamic Union (SI) in October 1921 in Surabaya, it was decided that the red SI affiliated to the PKI was expelled from the SI.
“The Semaoen group (SI Semarang) is part of those affected by this policy. Finally, Semaoen and his friends left the Central SI, and organized the red SI branches in a red Central SI to oppose the white SI led by Tjokroaminoto. Haji Mohamad Misbach was included as a red SI propagandist,” said Herman Hidayat in the book Jejak kebangsaan Kaum Nasionalis di Manokwari dan Boven Digoel (2013).

The existence of the PKI which was founded by Semaoen and his friends lasted a long time. Day by day, the supporters of the PKI increased. Many felt that they were represented on the issues under the PKI. Moreover, the PKI was predicted as an instrument of the indigenous movement against the Dutch colonial government.
After Indonesia's independence, the PKI immediately transformed into one of the major parties in the country. His supporters are everywhere. All of this was proven when the PKI held a commemoration of its 45th birthday at the GBK Main Stadium on May 23, 1965. The PKI succeeded in turning Jakarta red. Posters of DN Aidit side by side with Soekarno were scattered all over Jakarta.
“The PKI held a giant meeting to commemorate its 45th anniversary at the Bung Karno Main Stadium and the President on that occasion said: The PKI is a great element in the completion of the revolution, while the reason why the PKI is getting bigger and stronger is that the PKI has always been consistently progressive and revolutionary. ”

"That's not the end of the President's words. He confirmed DN Aidit's words that the imperialists had been outraged by the giant PKI 45th anniversary meeting, especially because President Sukarno himself gave a speech. The president then took Aidit's hand and went to the photographer's group to take a picture together, hand in hand," concluded Rosihan Anwar in Sukarno, Tentara, PKI (2006).
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