JAKARTA - Indonesia once had a legendary world-class racing arena. Sentul International Circuit, the name. World-class racing events such as the Enduro Race, Superbike World Championship, to the 1996-1997 GP 500, which is now known as MotoGP, have colored Sentul's glory.
This series of achievements made Indonesia's name uplifted. Every time the race is held, the road to Sentul is often crowded. Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto was behind it. Therefore, Sentul became the most remembered circuit in the 1990s.
World-class racing celebrations are often awaited by the general public. The existence of fierce competition between riders so the estuary. Every person who watches has their own idols. Aliases vary. The fiercer a race, the more attention from people watching. The advantages are many. The coffers of a lot of income to raise the dignity of the nation are some of them.

Indonesia did not want to be left behind. The initiative to build an international circuit in Sentul came to the fore. The construction is justified. The new circuit is intended to present a world-class event in the motherland. It also replaces its predecessor Ancol Circuit which was evicted by the DKI Jakarta government.
The initiation of the construction of the circuit became more prominent when Tommy Suharto began to take part in the construction of the circuit. Tommy, who loves racing, has high aspirations. He wants Indonesia to be famous in Asia. In organizing world-class races, especially.
President Soeharto's youngest son immediately collaborated with his friends, Tinton Soeprapto and Tungky Ariwibowo, to make this dream a success. The Formula 1 (F1) car race is his main target. The issue of large funds is not the main focus of Tommy. He was sure many would help him. Moreover, he is Suharto's son.
Finally, the circuit which cost Rp120 billion was started. The laying of the first stone was carried out in 1986. Its construction was delayed due to lack of funds. However, Tommy moved quickly until it was wrapped up in 1993.
"That is why, the facilities built are unmitigated. The track, for example, is made 15 meters wide with a layer of imported Porus asphalt. Not surprisingly, many international racers have praised the greatness of the circuit," said Arif Zulkifli et al in his article in Tempo Magazine entitled Sentul, Between Roar and Debt (1998).

Sentul International Circuit then transformed into one of the famous circuits in Asia. All because of this development is carried out to the maximum. Many experts were brought in specifically to build the Sentul Circuit. The facilities are complete, as are world-class circuits in general.
The owner of the circuit presents the paddock, pit, and other facilities. This equipment was not able to attract F1 to be held in Sentul. However, many other world-class automotive events are present in Sentul. The biggest one was the holding of the GP 500 in 1996 and 1997, which is now known as MotoGP.
“Sentul is the name of a sub-district in the area which covers no more than 2,000 square kilometers. Because it is short and easy to remember, Sentul is immortalized as the name of the biggest circuit in Indonesia. The facilities are complete, including the paddock, pit, racer restroom, helicopter pad, medical treatment unit, and other facilities in accordance with the provisions of the FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile).”
"After being inaugurated, the Sentul Circuit was flooded with automotive events at the national, regional, and international levels. Starting from Enduro Race, Formula Brabham and Asia, Touring, Superbike World Championship, and Drag Race. In fact, in 1996 and 1997, Sentul made history by hosting the 500 cc Grand Prix series," concluded Suseno in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled "Biar Tekor, Asal kesohor" (2005).
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