JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) stated that the presence of routine music festivals can be one of the government's strategic steps to introduce Indonesia's cultural wealth in the international arena.
"I think this can be a strategic part that has been explicitly conveyed by the Director General of Culture, in order to provide space for all elements. Not only artists and cultural observers, but all parts of this country," said the Head of the Working Team for Appreciation and Music Literacy of the Ministry of Education and Culture Edi Irawan at the 2023 Indonesian Music Festival (FMI) Press Conference in Jakarta, Thursday, Quoting Antara.
Edi assessed that the implementation of various types of music festivals, which currently continue to receive support from the Ministry of Education and Culture, is not only developing to meet needs in the industrial sector.
The music festival, he continued, has special powers that can be used as a soft diplomacy effort in the world to introduce Indonesia, because it is able to attract people from various ages and backgrounds.
"Actually, the goal is not only business, but how to raise Indonesia in an international forum. So how to raise our culture in a contemporary way like through the music festival earlier," said Edi.
This is because this strategic step does not only rely on musical arts. But it can also be inserted with theater arts, modern art to multimedia.
Edi explained that the ability of the nation's children is no less competitive with other nations. Every appearance presented to art connoisseurs has followed the standards set. It is proven by the sending of many arts teams from the country abroad because they received invitations from foreign parties.
"The point is that these art and expression activities, we don't just continue to depend (on one side only). But we have to find new talents and definitely not only directed to the industrial world, but internationally," he said.
In closing, Edi, who also serves as the Intermediate Expert Culture Pamong of the Ministry of Education and Culture, also ensures that the government will continue to provide support for the works of the nation's children who can make the nation proud.
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