
JAKARTA - Female soloist Idgitaf presents her new work entitled Dermaga as a true depiction of the pier as a place for meeting and parting.

The 21-year-old Dara, through her musical exploration, wants to describe that a pier that is identical to an anchorage which is like humans, who always go through moments of meeting and parting that occur in various phases of life.

“I interpret the pier the same as humans. Where we can't ask people to come and go in our lives easier because both are equally heavy in my opinion. Starting and ending is hard," Idgitaf said as quoted by Antara, Friday.

Speaking of exploration, Dermaga is a song that is quite different compared to other materials from Idgitaf. During the duration of the song, Dermaga appears with a gloomy and dark nuance with minimalist piano accompaniment which further emphasizes this nuance.

The song is different from Idgitaf's other works, which are characterized by being cheerful, fun, and energetic.

“I rarely make music like this. I mean this is something I'm showing to people for the first time, and I'm just exploring music like this at 'Dermaga'," she said.

In line with the song that comes with a minimalist arrangement, the production process does not involve many people. Idgitaf was only assisted by Ibnu Dian (Matter Halo) as producer and Dimas Pradipta for mixing and mastering.

In writing the lyrics, Idgitaf intervened alone to create Dermaga. Although Dermaga is presented with a quite different color, she hopes that this song will be well received by her listeners.

Following the release of Dermaga, Idgitaf is ready to fully introduce herself in a debut album slated for release in mid-2023.

"Hopefully, listeners from the album will be able to find the common thread that I actually carry, the message I want to convey, and hopefully that will bring closeness again between me and listeners," she concluded.

Dermaga, Idgitaf's newest song for her debut album, can now be heard on various music platforms.

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