
JAKARTA - The world strongly condemns the violence and genocide of the Rohingya ethnicity in Myanmar. The government of Myanmar and its leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, are the most guilty people. Suu Kyi, who was initially hailed as a symbol of resistance to violence, was silent.

Suu Kyi should have the capacity to stop violence. He didn't take that option. The whole world was angry. His title as a peacekeeper was sanctioned. All of this was because Suu Kyi actually sided with the military junta, compared to the Rohingya ethnic group.

Each conflict must have triggers. The conflict between the Myanmar government and the Rohingya Ethnics in 2017, for example. The armed conflict was initially present at the beginning of the year because the Arakan Rohingya Rescue Army (ARSA) wanted the Rakhine area to be independent. Everything is getting tense because ARSA is starting to clash with the Myanmar government.

ARSA also acted out of bounds. They perpetuated the attack blindly at the Rakhine border post, Myanmar. The conflict made soldiers and police on guard die.

The Myanmar government also responded to attacks like an invitation to war. The power of power perpetuates large-scale military aggression. Instead of only targeting militant groups, the Myanmar government is targeting Rohingya civilians. From parents to children.

The Myanmar government is as brutal as ARSA. They attacked the Rohingya ethnicity blindly. As a result everywhere. The death toll from the incident was more than 400 people. Their homes were destroyed and their property seized.

This condition made hundreds of thousands of survivors of the Rohingya choose to flee their country. Among others to Bangladesh. This brutal act caught the world's attention. They condemned the Myanmar government which perpetuates the narrative of racial destruction or genocide against the Rohingya ethnicity.

The Myanmar government is also dodged. The conflict of criticism actually started with ARSA. The owner of power considers the attack on ARSA then the Rohingya ethnicity as a response. Even though many of the victims were victims of Rohingya ethnic civilians.

The power of attorney has not yet mentioned how many non-Rohingya residents were killed during the past year in Rakhine. However, data from local officials showed that the total number was more than 50. The military crackdown began after Rohingya rebels attacked police posts and army offices in August 2017.

The attack killed about a dozen security personnel from Myanmar. Over the years, the Rohingya people have faced widespread persecution by the Myanmar military, which has led many people to refugee camps. The Myanmar government limits their access to education and health services. Most of them have been deprived of their citizenship, even though Rakhine is their home, "explained Hana totaled in her writing on The New York Times page entitled Rohingya Crisis Could Have Been Handled Better, Aung San Suu Kyi Says(2018).

The genocide that was perpetuated made the image of the leader of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi fell to its lowest level. He, who was once hailed as an icon against the military regime, changed instantly. Everything is because Suu Kyi is considered silent to see the violence that befell the Rohingya ethnicity.

The world actually did not forget the services of Suu Kyi who had stood up against the existence of the military junta in the 1988 era. He was able to promote protests without violence and success. Suu Kyi was also hailed like a hero to bring her party, the National League for Democracy (NLD) to win the 2012 election.

Suu Kyi, who is the daughter of a Myanmar Hero, Aung San, cannot be president because she clashes with the constitution. He has a foreign husband. However, whatever Suu Kyi's position in government, he is considered the real big leader of Myanmar.

Even though Suu Kyi only served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and State Advisor in 2016. However, the narrative was damaged by the presence of violence and genocide against the Rohingya in 2017. The world condemns his silent steps to see the violence that has occurred. In fact, he is a former anti-violent activist.

Around the world, Suu Kyi has returned all international awards. Mainly, the Nobel Peace Prize. Suu Kyi is considered unfit to be called an icon of resistance to violence anymore. The narrative was perpetuated because Suu Kyi and the military junta were actually familiar with the Rohingya.

Suu Kyi has openly been on the military side, not on her ethnic Rohing. The message was perpetuated by Suu Kyi while attending an International Justice Court hearing in The Hague, Netherlands on December 11, 2019. He evaded the Myanmar government from committing genocide.

Aung San Suu Kyi, unexpectedly, came to the International Justice Court (IC) in The Hague, Netherlands, to face Gambia's lawsuit, accusing Myanmar of genocide. The Myanmar State Coherent and recipient of the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize have been criticized internationally for being silent on suspicion of ethnic cleansing in his country which caused more than 740,000 Rohingya residents to flee and mostly fled to Bangladesh.

Suu Kyi's next surprise was what she said before the Court on Wednesday, December 11. She denied any genocide and said that hundreds of thousands of Rohingya residents were expelled after the August 25, 2017 attack as an excess of military operations against armed militias who asked for autonomy or independence: ARSA," said Abdul Manan in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Suu Kyi in Front of the Court (2019).

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