
JAKARTA - Today 35 years ago, or February 22, 1978, to be precise, the iconic Istiqlal Mosque was inaugurated. Soekarno is behind it. He wants Istiqlal to be the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. Development cannot be arbitrary. He himself acted to find the architect through a competition. Friedrich Silaban was chosen. However, the location of the mosque has sparked debate. Bung Karno and Bung Hatta did not agree. Bung Hatta did not want Istiqlal to be seen as a mere icon. While Soekarno was the opposite.

After independence, Indonesia's desire to make a magnificent and monumental mosque was unbearable. The narration was repeatedly uttered by the nation's leaders. Especially Bung Karno and Bung Hatta. Both are figures who were heavily involved in the development of the initial idea.

The idea was discussed with KH Wahid Hasyim and Anwar Tjokroaminoto in the 1950s. Therefore, the project to build the Istiqlal Mosque is predicted as a form of gratitude to the Creator for the independence of the nation. The committee is speeding up, that's the plan.

View of the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

According to an important figure in the writing of Jakarta's history, Alwi Shahab, Soekarno also considered Istiqlal to be a monumental project. Istiqlal development alias must really be prepared. In order to get the best architect, the government held a competition. Soekarno was asked to serve on the jury in July 1955.

He also determined Friedrich Silaban as the winner. No one has a problem with that. But problems arise when determining the location of Istiqlal. Bung Karno and Bung Hatta chose opposite. Bung Hatta chose the Istiqlal location around Thamrin street.

The reason is that it is near the village. The proposal is for Istiqlal to be filled with worshipers every day. Bung Karno on the other hand. Istiqlal must be in a location around the State Palace. Because Istiqlal and the National Monument which will later be proclaimed will be visible its splendor from the plane.

Despite getting a lot of support, Bung Karno himself did not get to see Istiqlal inaugurated. Because Istiqlal was only completed in 1978. Soeharto, the successor, inaugurated it.

The inauguration inscription of the Istiqlal Mosque on February 22, 1978, was signed by President Soeharto. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

"In the process of building Istiqlal, Bung Hatta acknowledged that there were differences of opinion in determining the location. He, who was the vice president at that time, thought that the most suitable location for Istiqlal was on Thamrin Street which is now occupied by Hotel Indonesia.”

"Because this location is close to the villages behind it. Meanwhile, where Istiqlal is now standing, it used to be a shopping and office area, and not many people inhabited it," said Alwi Shahab in the book Saudagar Baghdad Dari Betawi (2004).

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