
YOGYAKARTA There are many dangerous bacteria in the toilet. These bacteria can trigger health problems for users. In fact, there are countless bacteria in the toilet or bathroom.

Bacteria in toilets can nest in latrines, baths, floors, walls, and many more. The following is a list of dangerous bacteria found in toilet areas.

Escherichia coli or commonly called e.coli is a bacteria that are quite familiar to the ears. These bacteria are not always dangerous because in the human body, these bacteria help improve digestion. But it's different if e.coli is in the toilet.

E.coli bacteria in toilets trigger health problems such as nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, and can even trigger urinary tract infections. These bacteria are easy to breed in toilets considering that the place is used as a urinary facility.

Campylobacter bacteria can be found on the bathroom and toilet floors. Campylobacter can trigger diarrhea to fever and stomach pain. Bacterial infections will be easier for humans with low immunity.

The presence of streptococcus in toilets triggers several dangerous diseases such as throat inflammation. In addition, these bacteria also trigger other diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, to endocarditis. These bacteria can actually grow in the human body, but in different cases if bacteria live in toilets.

Usually the staphylococcus aureus bacteria are on the toilet floor or bathroom. These bacteria trigger staph infection which is the biggest cause of skin pain such as boils or other types of infection. Diseases triggered by these bacteria are easily transmitted quickly so that they are quite dangerous. Other health disorders caused by staphylococcus aureus bacteria such as nausea followed by vomiting, to stomach pain.

shigella bacteria trigger shigellosis, which is a disease that causes sufferers to have an infection in the intestines. When that condition occurs, it must be immediately eradicated because it can trigger other diseases, namely dysentries. shigella bacteria are quite dangerous and threatening. Therefore you must be aware of the presence of these bacteria.

As the name suggests, this bacteria triggers salmonellosis. salmonella infections usually attack children and adults with weak immunity. Health disorders that usually occur from salmonella include fever, diarrhea, to stomach pain.

Clostridium difficile or C. difficile bacteria are pathogenic bacteria that live in humid and dirty areas. These bacterial infections can cause pain such as diarrhea, fever, to intestinal inflammation. These bacteria can also attack a person using antibiotics in the long term.

To avoid harmful bacteria in the toilet, users are advised to clean the toilet twice a week. Cleaning is done using soap specifically for toilets. Clean also areas that are difficult to reach. In addition, clean areas that are often touched by the skin such as door handles, toilets, baths, clothes hangers, and so on.

Apart from being related to harmful bacteria in the toilet, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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