
YOGYAKARTA - The patriarchal and toxic masculinity culture often makes a man think that women have a lower position. One of the bad attitudes that sometimes encountered in a man is mansplating. However, there are still many who do not know what mansplating is and what its form of behavior looks like?

Mansplaining attitudes are still often found in Indonesian men when in contact or communicating with women. Mansplating is a bad behavior stemming from the mindset of a man who feels they are superior to women, both in career, education, and others.

Mansplaining behavior is easy to see when a man explains something to a woman with a tendency to demean orday. A man needs to understand what mansplaining is so as not to do this toxic act.

Mansplating is a term for a man who explains something by demeaning and intimidating, which is usually done against a woman. The term mansplaining comes from English, namely the word man which means human and explaining' which means explaining.

So mansplaining can be interpreted as the action of a man who explains excessively. Mansplaining's actions arise because men think that they are superior to women, so that young people underestimate and demean women. They think that women are not smarter or skilled than themselves.

However, mansplaining is different from acts of harassment, because most of this behavior arises without being realized by men. This toxic action is often considered a trivial or natural thing because it is done using words or language that is more'smooth'. Especially in society with a strong patriarchal social system and masculinity culture, mansplating is often not a problem and is considered as normal behavior.

Mansplating is widely discussed by funds on issues of gender equality which are often found in society. Men need to avoid or stop mansplating behavior so they don't become poor or toxic individuals. Mansplating actions make women feel humiliated and not appreciated as a whole or natural individual.

To be able to prevent this harmful attitude, here are some signs or characteristics of mansplating that you need to know:

One form of mansplating is when a man slows down his way of talking when communicating with women. The man spoke slowly to ensure that women can understand and follow the context they convey.

In the head of the mansplaining man, women are considered not smart enough to understand the concept presented. That's why they then speak slowly so that women can keep up with the conversation.

Men often dominate conversations when communicating with women. Usually this man will rule out the opinion of their interlocutor, seen in the motion of the body that is degrading and reluctant to dig deeper into different views.

Mansplaining men also often ignore women's opinions. For example, when a female co-worker criticizes, men tend to reject it without clear considerations and reasons.

Men also often corner women based on subjective aspects or personal judgment. For example, in the context of sexual activity, physical appearance, or a choice of dress that is considered not in accordance with the norms.

Mansplating actors often use harsh language in communication with women. Mansplating men usually use words and tones of harsh speech in a style that tends to be arrogant or degrading.

Manja mansplaining juga sering menyalahkan perempuan yang menjadi korban pelecehan atau tindakan kekerasan seksual. Pria ini biasanya menilai perempuan secara negatif dengan alasan seperti "luar malam-mal" atau "menggunakan tidak tertutup," tanpa mempertimbangkan fakta-fakta yang sebenarnya.

Such is the review of what mansplating is and its forms of actions. Mansplating attitudes need to be avoided from men because they can harm their interlocutors, especially women and themselves, both in careers, friendship, kinship, and so on.

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