YOGYAKARTA Sauce is often added in food dishes to get the perfect taste. Apparently, tomato sauce is the most popular in society. In fact, there are many types of sauce, both traditional and modern concoctions. Interested in getting to know the traditional type of sauce but popular from around the world? Here's the list.
For those of you who like culinary and taste to enjoy classic French cuisine, this traditional sauce should not be left behind. Velout\'e is a gentle mixture of young beef, chicken, or fish broth, with loosed liquid butter. At first glance, it may seem simple, but make it enough to spend enough time and have to cook properly. The cooking process takes 5 hours, because before making broth, the bones have to roast first. Kaldu must also be clean from fat in order to achieve a clear texture.
You certainly know this red sauce. This type of sauce that tastes savory and oily, is closely related to the Sichuan tradition and the city of Chongqing. Malame sauce is made from chili, oil, Sichuan pepper, and a number of other flavors. First, chilies must be powdered and added powdered pepper. The added seasonings include Lawang flower, cloves, adapters, black capulaga, ginger, and cinnamon. The mixture is then boiled in vegetable oil and then mixed with beef fat.
This spicy sauce grows with less and alu and is usually thickened using bread or bread slices. The color is reddish and most of the flavor is built from garlic and turmeric. Launching MusteAtlas, Friday, October 27, rouille radisional uses olive oil as the basic ingredient, although most versions of modern sauce use mayones. Some types of rouille are also made with the liver of fish, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, and olive oil. This type of sauce, usually served with soup and seafood in France.
Types of sauce from Turkey, made from lemon juice, mint leaves, garlic, cucumber, olive oil, and yogurt. It feels fresh and sour which only needs to be prepared for about 20 minutes. Uniquely, cucumber is not smoothed, only cut into small pieces to form a rich texture.
This fresh and simple sauce, called tzatziki from Greece. Usually used for olesan or side dishes. The preparation is quite simple, just peel the cucumber, the seeds are thrown away, and the fruit meat is cut or cut into small pieces.
Cucumbered orangutans are then squeezed with cloth. Then mixed with thick Greek yogurt and usually made from sheep or goat milk. Next, added olive oil,candied garlic, a little vinegar or lemon juice, and fresh coexistence.
Chimichurri is a brave flavored Argentine sauce and is usually served with grilled meat. In addition, it is also added to the chorip, a type of hot dog in Argentina. Usually, made from peterseli, garlic, red chili, oregano, oil, and vinegar. Some of the variations, added lemon, jintantane, peppers, basil leaves, turquoise leaves, and greeting leaves and tomatoes.
After leaving Argentina, they flew to Italy. The acatriciana sauce is made from petorino cheese and Italian pork or what is localized with guarantees. Several other ingredients are also added shallots or even garlic to Atriciana.
Quality ingredients should be the ingredients of the Genovese pesto. This rich fragrant sauce comes from Genoa and does not need to be cooked. Pesto Genovese is made of only seven ingredients, including garlic, a little fine salt, pine beans, basil leaves, and two types of Italian cheese Parmigiano Reggiono and Pecorino. The preparations are completed by gradually adding a little olive oil that binds pasta to one.
In the international culinary scene, chili sauce is a sauce, which almost all Indonesian cuisine is always accompanied by chili sauce. The taste can be spicy, sweet, salty, or acid depending on the area, and the texture can range from rough to smooth. Basic chilies, sometimes known as turmeric chili sauce which is traditionally made bynealing raw chilies with a little salt using leves and stone alu which is called naulkan.
Marinara sauce is made from garlic, tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, salt, and spices. The spices include oregano, peterseli, or basil. In its variations, onions, white wine, and chili are also added. Although fresh tomatoes are preferred, most recipes require canned tomatoes or tomato paste to speed up the preparation process.
The above are the ten types of traditional sauces that are popular and not all made from tomatoes. Is there any of the sauces above that you like the most and often accompany the dishes on the family dining table?
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