
YOGYAKARTA You may have worked hard to exercise but did not produce optimal results. Apparently, exercise also needs to be measured with intensity in order to get maximum results. So what is the intensity of healthy exercise and in accordance with you? Check the following explanation.

The intensity of the sport is related to how hard you have to exercise and must be adjusted to the type of activity. In aerobics, it is necessary to do at least 150 minutes a week with moderate intensity. If the aerobic is heavy, do 75 minutes a week. You can also get a balanced combination between moderate and severe activity. But it must be balanced for a few days or more in a week.

If you have the aim of losing weight or maintaining lost weight, launches Mayo Clinic, Tuesday, October 24, it is recommended to carry out moderate aerobic activity for 300 minutes a week. Aerobic training includes fast walking, cycling, swimming, or cutting grass while gardening. Other aerobic exercises include running, swimming, or aerobic dancing.

It's different if you do strength training. Exercise strength is a exercise for all muscle groups. This needs to be done twice a week and each set so that it gets health and fitness benefits. For strength training, use a load and resistance level that is quite heavy for muscle fatigue after doing 12 to 15 repetitions.

Apart from lifting weights, strength training can also be done using your own weight load. Such as in rock climbing, gardening, squat, plank, and lunge. Moderate to strong intensity, done to get maximum benefits. The more intense and longer the duration of your sport, the more calories burned.

Sports progress is important, but it must be done in stages. If you force and do it excessively, it can increase the risk of pain, injury, and fatigue. So if you just start exercising, take a light intensity first. Then you can slowly increase to moderate or strong intensity. As a general guide, the target is to increase by about 10 percent in the amount of activity per week.

There are many reasons to regularly exercise apart from maintaining health. In addition, exercise can aim to improve fitness, lose weight, train competitions, or other reasons. It is important for you to have strong reasons. The goal is to help determine the level of proper training intensity.

With regard to sports reasons, it is important to be realistic. Although the increase is slow, it is better to do it consistently and sustainably than to increase quickly but makes you tired.

Measuring intensity can use tracking technology that can check heart rate. Several other ways to measure intensity, can be by recognizing the physical signs experienced. For moderate exercise intensity, a person experiences an increase in the rhythm but does not die out of breath, starts to sweat a little after about 10 minutes of activity, and you can talk to someone but can't sing.

While the intensity of the sport is strong, its activity feels heavy and challenging. The sign, the breath feels deep and fast, starts sweating after a few minutes of exercise, unable to say more than a few words without stopping for a moment to breathe.

Another way to measure the intensity of exercise is to see how fast the average heart beats during physical activity. The maximum heart rate is an upper limit that can be handled by your heart and blood vessel system, called cardiovascular system, during physical activity. If you are healthy, the maximum heart rate estimate is measured by multiplying the age by 0.7 and reducing the total by 208. For example, you are 45 years old, multiply 45 by 0.7 then produce 31.5. The maximum heart rate is 176.5 after 208 minus 31.5.

According to the American Heart Association, it generally recommends a heart rate target for moderate exercise intensity between 50 percent and 70 percent of the maximum heart rate. For the intensity of heavy exercise, 70 percent to 85 percent of the maximum heart rate.

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