
JAKARTA - Actress Karina Nadila through her Instagram account announced that she had received a Master's degree in Economics. Uniquely, Karina completed her master's degree when she was pregnant with her first daughter, Rubishana Praya Prihartanto.

At first, the reason Karina completed her master's degree education was because she was almost at Drop Out (DO) from campus. So that even though he was during a pandemic he tried to continue his thesis.

"So actually I've been in master's degree since the year... the main thing is that I'm almost in DO, because the thesis is not finished, then the pandemic doesn't go to campus, so I'm getting worse doing it, sorry I'm not Maudy Ayunda because," said Karina Nadila jokingly at Ampera, South Jakarta, Wednesday, October 18.

However, after being rethought by this 31-year-old woman, the main reason she chose to continue her education was to be a proud mother for her child.

"But at that time I wanted a brojol, so I was already like the 7th month, if I'm not mistaken, then I was determined, if I was almost in DO for one month, but more because I had to finish it because I wanted to be a proud mother for my child," Karina continued.

"Later on she's here when she was pregnant, she knew that her mother was a person who kept wanting to learn, she could tell her friends, she said that a mother who studied while pregnant, whether she was in college or a thesis, she said that her child was used to hearing her mother thinking, so she was already smart and her child, that's all he said," he said.

Fortunately, during this pregnancy, the toughest challenge for the 2017 Princess Indonesia Tourism was only in the interview of resource persons. But for her own pregnancy she feels everything is fine, her daughter doesn't make it difficult for her at all.

"The challenge is to go back and forth with the interview of the resource person, then it's like collecting data, you can't do it, right. In terms of pregnancy, thank God, I'm pregnant with smooth, nothing makes it difficult for the child, so the luggage is smooth from the start, no one vomits," he added.

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