JAKARTA - Tarra Budiman and Gya Sadiqah have been blessed with two children, Kalea Jada Agyra and Kayma Jayna Agyra after officially getting married in 2017. Even so, Tarra admitted that until now he is still learning to be a good father and husband for his small family.
This was said by the 37-year-old man because he felt he could not share affection fairly with his children and wife. For Tarra this is quite difficult for him to do.
"If until now I still learn how fair is called, in my opinion it is very difficult to learn fair things about attention, yes, with these two children, even with their wives, so there are three people who have to be divided, unfortunately," said Tarra Budiman in the Jakarta area, Sunday, October 15.
Not only that, Tarra admitted that his two children already understood jealousy. He was once in a moment when he loved one of the children too much, then the other child would feel jealous and even scream.
"Well, those things that I'm still learning until now, give love to Kalea and to Kayma, because sometimes if it's too heavy to go to Kalea, Kayma will definitely scream. Then if for example, when I come home from work, both of them come and lose, like it or not, both of them, one 27kg, then the other 10kg, it's not bad either," he continued.
This made Tarra even more dizzy because his first daughter, Kalea, was able to protest against herself when she was too busy at work. Not infrequently his son asks Tarra why she is too busy working.
"If Kalea is yes (the child is angry because Tarra is busy at work), it's like, 'Why don't Papa just work at home?' But yes, slowly give him understanding," he concluded.
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