JAKARTA - Edi Darmawan, the biological father of the late Wayan Mirna Salihin, aka the victim of the Cyanide Coffee case, which was busy in 2016, felt cheated by Netflix. Netflix released a documentary that raised the case on September 28 under the title 'Ice Cold: Murderer, Coffee, and Jessica Wongso'.
This was said by Edi Darmawan through an interview session with presenter Karni Ilyas on a news television station. After this film was released, Edi's figure was widely discussed because he was considered arrogant and even hypocritical when he explained the case that befell his daughter. On that occasion, Edi tried to clarify his actions.
He said he felt cheated by Netflix and the film director, Rob Sixsmith. In fact, he asked the Indonesian people not to be deceived by the story built in the film.
"So first, I want to explain what seems like I may be arrogant, I am wrong. I apologize profusely and I really permission to provide a clear explanation so that netizens and Indonesians are not fooled by Netflix," he said, quoted by VOI in Karni Ilyas' exclusive interview with Edi Darmawan, Sunday, October 8.
Not only that, but Edi also explained that in the process of making the documentary he got nothing from Netflix. He was only asked to answer the questions asked but when it aired it didn't match the reality.
"So, I cheated on Netflix Netflix, filming us the director and the director is Rob Sixsmith. I got nothing from him, only he asked for help to answer and I answered but what is the reality? What he broadcasts doesn't match the reality," he continued.
Seeing this, openly speaking, the father of two children said the film Netflix made was a 'garbage' film. He also asked Indonesians not to watch the film.
"Don't be fooled by Netflix. I remind you not to watch Netflix. In my opinion, Netflix is not true, it's fun for us. Sandy (Mirnna's herd) in Germany is also shocked. So we finish it, Netflix, please forget it, because he made (the documentary) trash run out, it's not true," said Edi.
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