Children Who Are Able To Entertain Yourself Have High Creativity, Here's How To Develop It
Illustration of how to develop creativity in children with entertaining skills (Freepic)


YOGYAKARTA According to assistant professor of basic education at Memphis University, Anna Falkner, Ph.D., children who are able to entertain themselves mean they are trained to solve problems, have creativity, and are ready to be part of the community. For example breaking boredom by choosing toys they love, meaning their independence grows, children's creativity is honed, and patience is tested, said pediatric psychologist Cindy Kim, Ph.D.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, skilled children entertain themselves, as well as develop social skills. By looking for other people to play with and looking for ways to spend their time independently, they are ready to become part of the community, such as the community playing with their peers. Launching VerywellFamily, Thursday, October 5, here are tips from experts who can be practiced to develop children's skills to entertain themselves.

Your child at home may have a lot of toys. When they get bored, limit your intervention to offer all the toys you have. The hope is that children will be interested in one of these toys independently. But parents need to make sure the child knows where the toy is stored. So they can access it independently.

Toys outdoors can be used in various ways. Kim suggests, direct your child to play creatively. For example, lego toys, behind buildings, or doll houses to encourage free and independent games. Chances are, this activity is unlimited and allows children to express their creativity. But make sure their playground is safe and comfortable.

Creative children can make the atmosphere of playing fun. But it's important for parents to make their playing space easy to access. Falker's advice, this not only includes types of toys, but also includes healthy snacks, art supplies, and basic cleaning equipment that are safe. Make sure everything they can access has been approved beforehand and is safe. If your child is not sure what they can or cannot use, tell them to ask first.

Not all time needs to be structured and not all activities can be done, including playing or entertaining yourself. That is, setting clear boundaries and following up on them makes children know their routines. It also has the opportunity to train skills to eliminate boredom on time. More clearly, you can say 'no' if the child wants to play outdoors after the evening or night's sleep time.

Screen time or screen time needs to be agreed and restricted especially to children. By setting boundaries, you've taken the best strategy of developing your imagination and creativity without smart devices. Megan Ledet, LSCW., vice president of adolescent services at Lightfully Behavioral Health, said, "You might be amazed to see your child's brain skills with a little push and framework that doesn't focus too much on technology and focus more on what's already in it".

That's how to develop children's creativity so that they are skilled at entertaining themselves. There are times when your responsibility encourages them to entertain them when they are bored. This is natural, but it's a good idea for children to feel bored and find creative ways to entertain themselves.

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