8 Ways To Develop Self-Compression To Love Yourself
Illustration of how to float self-compassion to love yourself (Freepik/benzoix)


YOGYAKARTA Self-compassion is compassion for oneself which is done to get comfort, forgiveness, and encouragement. Sometimes this can be obtained from others, but the ability to treat yourself with compassion is also important.

For those of you who have never done it, it may feel awkward. Often developing self-compassion needs to be done in a simple way as follows below.

It is important to acknowledge the situation you are facing, such as admitting that you are in a difficult way. By admitting it without judging you need to take a step back and offer mercy to yourself. It's okay to start saying 'It's very difficult, even for anyone' and not criticizing or judging yourself.

If you make a mistake, it needs to be accepted and considered normal. Acknowledging deficiencies is also important, while doing something good for yourself. It's important to understand, being tough on yourself will not motivate you to change or do better. Because learning, people will grow, be motivated, and accepted.

Apart from encouraging ourselves when we are down, you also need to celebrate the strength we have and achieve even though it's just a step forward. That is, it is important to be a good friend for yourself by giving praise. For example, say, 'I'm proud of myself because I can go to work on time'.

Many people ignore praise from others for feeling uncomfortable being the center of attention or inappropriate for receiving such praise. If you feel uncomfortable, it's important to remember. That people generally praise because they care and respect you. Let yourself benefit from the good and positive energy offered.

Healthy boundaries are a way of loving yourself and others. You need to set boundaries to protect yourself from physical and emotional dangers. Limitations can help you manage stress and prioritize the most important things for you. They also strengthen relationships by communicating clear expectations about how others treat you and how you treat them.

Someone who always develops himself indicates he respects himself, notes licensed psychotherapists based in San Jose, California, Sharon Martin, DSW., LSCW. reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, September 17. Everyone has something they want to improve, but not everyone wants to invest time and money to actually do the job.

Self-development can also be done in various forms, such as reading books, following classes, changing unhealthy habits, or following communities that support your efforts to develop yourself in certain aspects.

As someone who lives in society, negative emotions tend to make it uncomfortable and have to be suppressed. Sometimes we pretend to be fine when it's actually far from good. Feelings don't just disappear, even if they are buried deep. They may appear at other times and have a worse effect. So it's important to respect your feelings as a gift for yourself. This is also a step to validate the experience that goes through in a simple way.

Think about how to entertain an adult version of a baby or toddler who is crying and doing it himself, suggests Martin. You can take a warm bath, enjoy a calming atmosphere, enjoy a cup of hot tea or chocolate, take a walk, read your favorite book, and listen to soothing music.

According to Martin, developing self-compassion does not need to be complicated. Start slowly, with training, and make it a habit.

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