
JAKARTA - After admitting to having a bipolar mental health, Atiek CB began to open up about his mental illness. He explained that he had been suffering from bipolarism since he was a child.

The woman whose real name is Atiek Prasetyawati told where he got the bipolar origin from. It turns out that his family has had mental health problems for generations.

"No. I have depressed from a small age, it's the role of my family, so my mother is like that, my grandfather is like that, even my father's grandmother is in the market too. She hassets," said Atiek CB when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, September 6.

"So, I don't know what the derivatives might be, there are various kinds of mental illness, but no family has been admitted to a mental hospital," he continued.

The 60-year-old explained that she only got the right treatment when she moved to the United States. There he gets counseling to medicines from psychiatrists.

"In the past there had never been a connection, never took medication, but after moving to America, South Kalimantan used to be diligent once a week and made a psychological diagnosis, then just got the medicine, the psychiatrist drank anything. Both of my children also drank higher doses," he continued.

Unexpectedly, this health problem also decreased to his two children, Kyna Anne Smith and Kendall Smith. He even said his second child had more serious problems than him.

"Yes, my first child is bipolar type 1, and the second is BDD, maybe it's not familiar called border personality disorder, it's worse than others," he added.

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