
YOGYAKARTA - Chemical peeling or what is also called chemexfoliation or dermapeiling, namely skin care procedures using chemical solutions to relieve skin appearance. Curious about the chemical peeling effect?

After the skin is cleaned, the chemical solution will be wrapped on the skin to cause injuries to the epidermis of the skin, can be followed or without a layer of dermis, so that the skin layer is peeling off and stimulates the re-generarisy of the new layer of skin. This new layer of skin has fewer lines and wrinkles, thus making your skin look brighter and evenly colored.

Launching from AI Care, there are several types of chemical peeling, which provide different treatment results.

It is a mild repair procedure that is carried out from time to time in a sequential manner and is generally carried out. In this procedure, the chemicals used will remove the outermost layer of the skin only.

This procedure is suitable for dealing with complaints of fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin color, dry skin, damaged skin due to sunlight and helping to improve skin health and appearance.

Recovery from this type of procedure usually takes several hours to a few days, but it doesn't take too long.

This procedure will provide a smooth and fresh skin display, where the outermost and central layer of the skin will be removed. This procedure is generally carried out to overcome uneven skin color changes, aging spots, scar tissue due to acne, and fine to moderate wrinkles.

Recovery from this type of procedure takes more than a week, so doctors will advise you to avoid direct sunlight exposure or the use of skincare that is not prescribed by a doctor.

This procedure generally gives deep results because the chemicals used will penetrate the middle and lower layers of the skin. The benefits are to overcome the complaints of lines under the eyes and mouth as well as moderate wrinkles, damaged skin due to sunlight, deep acne scars, padlocked skin or precancer growth called actinic lattices.

The recovery process from this procedure generally takes at least eight weeks.

During the chemical peeling procedure, you will be advised to avoid direct sun exposure both before and after undergoing treatment. You are also not advised to use cream products containing hydrokinons, retinoids, and take antiviral or antibiotic drugs.

Chemical Peeing Benefits

Reported by Cleveland Clinic, the following are the benefits of chemical peeling:

Chemical Peeing Effect

Even though it offers a lot of benefits, not everyone can undergo these treatment procedures. As reported by Mayo Clinic andNCBI, doctors advise people with the following conditions not to undergo chemical peeling procedures:

The separate chemical peeling procedure, can lead to the following side effects:

How To Prevent Side Effects

Before undergoing this procedure, doctors generally provide pre-treatment first to reduce risk and side effects. Reported by Mayo Clinic andNCBI, here are some things that are usually done:

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