
JAKARTA - To commemorate the 50 years of work, Christine Hakim prostrates at the feet of her mother at the press conference of The Journey of Christine Hakim. The filmmaker who won the best actress award from the Asia Pacific International Film Festival admitted that without the support of her mother, she would never be able to succeed as she is today.

His mother, who according to Christine, still supports him even though his negative stigma towards the entertainment industry's career was still thick in his early career.

"At the beginning of my career, many people sneered and said to my mother, 'how come the child is allowed to play movies anyway?' You know what my mother said? 'I believe in my child' Christine said in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 30.

At the time of closing the event and about to cut the cone provided by the committee, Christine's emotions overflowed and shook on her mother's legs, her eyes looked teary.

Without giving a word, Christine's mother, who was also on the stage, smiled while hugging and kissing her two daughters' cheeks.

On that occasion, the actor of the film Eat Pray Love expressed his gratitude for the achievements he has spent half a century in the film industry, from the local big screen to taking part in international films.

"I can only be grateful and believe that Allah has arranged, determined, and written stories from the lives of his servants, as well as my life, especially in the world of films with the dynamics that have been passed, all of which have become extraordinary learning of life to date, and until the time that God has determined," said the 10 Citra trophy winner.

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