Indra Bekti Is Called Using Black Science To Referr With Aldilla Jelita, Why Barends: Don't Play With It
Why Barends (doc. Special)


JAKARTA - Aldilla Jelita's mother, Marjam Abdurrahman, expressed disapproval of her son's reconciliation with Indra Bekti. It was even said that the 45-year-old presenter used black magic to deceive Dilla.

In response to this, Why Barends did not want to comment too much. He saw what Aldilla Jelita's mother said was a form of disappointment, as well as her way of protecting the princess.

"Oops, I don't want to interfere at all, it's not my domain," Kaldium Barends told the media crew in Tendean, South Jakarta on Monday, August 28.

"Back again, maybe you have annoyance and disappointment, but every mother has her own struggle in her heart to protect (protect) the child. So, from the point of view of Dilla's mother, I can't blame it," he continued.

Why Barends said that there should be no noise over the reconciliation intentions of Bekti and Dilla. He also reminded all parties not to mess with the decisions taken.

"If you want to reconcile, don't be complicated. Anyway, it's old, don't play games. This is not a lego toy that can be removed, right, there are children too," he said.

Regarding the statement of Aldilla's mother, Jelita, who said that Indra Bekti lives with a lot of debt,postina hopes that the public will not just take conclusions. He considered that his friend might have a plan in the future, by looking at Bekti who is still working even though her condition is still not completely cured.

"Don't conclude that Bekti's life is difficult, confiscated by the bank. When it comes to work documents, everyone works. Maybe he has a better plan, especially now that he is with his family again," said Why Barends.

Even if it's now a work wara-wiri, the job needs a defender, Bekti needs a job. So don't take the conclusion 'again poor'. If Bekti gets a job, it's rejected," he added.

Regarding the public interest in Indra Bekti and Aldilla Jelita, Why Barends saw that his two friends had to be prepared to accept all the consequences, especially if the two wanted to reconcile.

"There's no need for the two of them, I just like to sing. Everything has to be done, if you're not ready, it's difficult. They are both, not just the defenders themselves or Dilla themselves, both of them must be ready for their wedding stage, "concluded Why Barends.

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