
YOGYAKARTA Colds and flu can be transmitted by touch or exposure to the air of the infected person first. Flu vaccination may be considered one way to survive from being infected. But vaccines do not fully protect you from disease unless accompanied by increasing the immune system to reduce symptoms. However, some people still experience chills of fever, headache, fatigue, and nausea during winter and flu.

There are easy steps that you can take every day so you don't get colds and flu easily. One of them avoids anyone who is infected, avoiding crowded places with poor ventilation, especially when many are exposed to fever and flu like today. Another way is by washing your hands frequently using soap and water. Furthermore, here are how to improve the immune system during the cold and flu seasons.

The mikrobial that lives in the intestines not only helps digest food but also helps regulate metabolism, hunger, weight, and immune system. According to Frank Lipman, MD., an integrative and functional medicine doctor reported by EverydayHealth, Tuesday, August 22, a strong immune system relies on a healthy intestine and works well. So it is recommended to be quite probiotic, or good bacteria, which helps reduce inflammation, prevent infection, and reduce the severity of colds or flu.

Fermented foods, such as cabbage salt, airing, and unpasteurized feasibility support the health of bacteria, Lipman advises.

Consumption of high-antioxidant foods, such as vegetables and fruits, will improve your overall health and help protect against the flu and the virus that infects throughout the year. Anti-inflammatory properties in nutrient-intensive foods, such as in dark green leafy vegetables, berries, salmon, and sweet potatoes, help build your immune system.

But you have to avoid sugar, gluten, and processed foods that are all domestically able to reduce the immune function. Lipman recommends his favorite food to support immunity, namely bone broth as a basic ingredient for soup and mouths as an added nutrient.

Zinc or zinc according to the study can be found in food, including labu, spinach, cucumbers, nuts, and beans. This can help shorten the duration of the runny nose for up to just a few days. Although it still requires vitamin C as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibiotic.

Seng itself, according to Lipman, zinc has the effect of increasing immunity and quartic protection and stopping flu cell replication. If you feel early symptoms of fever and runny nose, add 25 mg of zinc per day in a short-term healthy diet.

Sweaty and burning sports of a number of calories can reduce the risk of flu. Research shows that people who exercise report fewer colds.

Sport is immune-boosting and can help if you feel healthy enough to do so. However, don't sacrifice your sleep for exercise; enough sleep is a key component for flu-free winter. Try at least seven hours every night and try to take a nap for 20 minutes if you're short of time," Lipman said.

Currently, many hand sanitizer products make it easier for you to carry them. "It's the most effective thing is to wash your hands with water and soap," explained Lipman. But using a hand sanitizer can also minimize the transmission of the cold virus and flu. But choose a soft hand sanitizer and don't dry your skin. If possible, choose the aroma you like so you don't feel burdened with this activity.

One of the easiest ways to catch the flu is to touch contaminated objects and then place your fingers near your mouth and eyes. So make sure the surface of the objects around you, or closest to you, stay clean. For example, telephone, computer, and table, can be cleaned with anti-bacterial fluids or use cleaning. You can make your own cleaner, Lipman advises, you can mix distilled vinegar and water with the same ratio, then add some drops of tea tree oil that have antibacterial properties.

According to Lipman, the air in the room can be five times more polluted than the outside air. So it's better if the air goes out of the house every day by opening the window.

The ornamental plant is another great tool to help clean the air.

Common ornamental plants such as aloe vera, spider plant, and peace-filling flowers filter a common volatile organic compound (VOC), Lipman advises.

Those are the seven ways to increase immunity during the cold and flu seasons. Before you are exposed to colds, flu, and fever, you can apply the method above.

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