
JAKARTA - The case of drug abuse involving Ammar Zoni has been transferred by the South Jakarta Metro Police to the South Jakarta District Attorney. This has been confirmed by the Head of Drugs at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Achmad Ardhy, who said that the transfer of files and suspects had been carried out since early August.

"It has been a long time since August 1, 2023, the delegation to the Prosecutor's Office," said Ardhy via text message to the media crew on Monday, August 21.

Ardhy said Ammar Zoni had completed his rehabilitation period. While waiting for the trial schedule, Irish Bella's husband was detained at the Cipinang Penitentiary.

"Now the person concerned is in Cipinang Prison pending trial," said Ardhy.

The 30-year-old soap opera actor will also undergo his first trial at the South Jakarta District Court today, Tuesday, August 22, with the agenda of reading the indictment from the prosecutor.

Previously, Ammar Zoni was arrested by the South Jakarta Police Narcotics Investigation Unit regarding the abuse of methamphetamine in the Sentul area, Bogor, West Java on Wednesday, March 8. He is known to have consumed methamphetamine 3 times in 2023.

"Based on the examination, they have used methamphetamine three times, from January to March," said South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Ade Ary Syam during a press conference, Friday, March 10.

Ade Ary explained that the arrests of Ammar Zoni were also accompanied by two other suspects, namely the Ammar Zoni driver with the initials M (35) and R (37) who were M's colleagues.

"Suspect M took R on a motorbike together to the Boncos area, West Jakarta. The two suspects met someone who was usually called Bang, bought with Rp. 1 million in cash, the suspect got two clips of methamphetamine," said Ade.

After receiving the methamphetamine, said Ade Ary, suspect M gave R a salary in the form of a sum of money because R. Then, suspect R also bought a clip of methamphetamine.

"Then R also bought a clip of narcotics of the type methamphetamine. M and R used methamphetamine together in the Boncos area," he said.

The urine test conducted by the police on Ammar Zoni at that time also tested positive.

"The urine is positive for drugs," said Head of the South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Police Commissioner Achmad Ardhy.

The case of drug abuse faced by Ammar Zoni this time is not the first time. He was arrested for a similar case in 2017.

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