
JAKARTA - Adult films don't really just belong to adults. Animals also undergo a mature period like humans in general. This story is at least presented in the film Strays directed by Josh Greenbaum under the production of Universal Pictures.

Strays tells the story of a dog namedten ( voiced by Will Ferrell) who lives with its owner, Doug (Will Forte). Doug accidentally adoptsETs him even though he hates animals so much that he always abandoned him.

Doug, who was abusive about ignoringctions in an area and made the separation happen. My parents initially denied that he was thrown away but when he met Bug stray dogs (Jamie Foxx),tricy (Isla Fisher), and Hunter (Randall Park),men began to wake up.

Not accepting being abandoned,men are determined to take revenge with help from Bugs,bully, and Hunters. Their struggle was not easy because they had to find out where Doug was. Their adventure begins.

The photos of dogs in films are always depicted as friendly, friendly, friendly to their owners, and adorable. But in Strays, all the stereotypes fade because today's film emphasizes the sporting side of a dog.

With that 'different' concept, Strays' story becomes over the top or excessive. Without thinking much, it seems worth it considering this film displays dog brutality and their revenge.

As a result, the scene by scene in this film leads to 17+ or adults. Not to mention the harshness of the dogs cursing their owners. This film will remind you of films like Ted or Sausage Party.

The reality of the dogs gathered is also coupled with the fact that Josh Greenbaum directed the native dog to act. Assisted by professional coaches, the interaction scene between tonight feels real.

The cast also supports raising the comedy side. From Will Ferrell the legend to Randall Park, Jamie Foxx, and Isla Fisher. Each character has its own characteristics as well as thanks to the performers.

Comedy, which is currently written by Dan Perrault, produces an intriguing slope. Imagine how a dog teaches another dog about life? Strays film has that scene.

Beyond its comedy-packed execution, the film Strays actually has a positive side. Stories about maintaining stars as well as relationships between owners and animals that are often considered easy. In reality, we see the large number of animals and even dogs who experience abusive acts from their owners. Therefore, not everyone can properly maintain dogs that are photographed in this film.

Strays can be entertainment on weekends that can be watched in theaters starting today, Friday, August 18. Don't forget, Strays has a 17+ or Adult censorship so it is highly recommended not to bring minors to this film.

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