
YOGYAKARTA Cat social skills are not like dogs. However, both of them understand that being called and in normal conditions will respond. However, if a cat does not respond to your call once, it could be due to the following reasons.

The simplest and most common reason, cats don't respond when called out because they want to be alone. If a cat doesn't want to be fed or treated, they will most likely ignore the owner's call. If you experience this, you should leave your cat and let them come to you when they want attention.

Old cats may not respond when called their names. It is possible that their hearing is not as good as it used to be. It could also be because the vision is declining or they don't know if you call him. Because older, the movement will also slow down. The cat may notice too late to respond.

Many cats will choose to ignore something they think is a threat or which makes them stressed. If you've punished or hit your cat in the past, or even shouted at it, they might think of your call as a potential threat. Sometimes the limp accidentally stepping on his tail triggers a cold reaction and often runs away if you ask for his attention.

If a cat experiences this, keep it up for some time. Then try to win their love with some of their favorite snacks or soft gyms. It's important to know, cats have long memories and sprays with water bottles can be remembered for weeks for months.

It's not uncommon for cats to become more closed when they are not feeling well, especially when they are sick. Even as they get older, they can develop cognitive dysfunctions similar to Alzheimer's disease in humans. If you find anggility' in cats and changes in appetite, meet a veterinarian immediately. Launching PetMD, Thursday, August 17, the sooner you find the underlying problem, it will be immediately addressed.

Cats seem very independent and sometimes indifferent, but in reality, most cats have subtle emotions. If cats feel uncomfortable with the treatment of their owners, they can withdraw. Not because they are arrogant, but because cats communicate feelings in the only way they know, namely alone. Let cats respond to calls, it can provide gooks' in the form of food they like.

That's the reason why the cat didn't respond when called. If the cat's behavior suddenly changes, then immediately check it with the veterinarian.

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