
YOGYAKARTA – There are many reasons why parents get angry, but keep in mind that getting angry easily has a big impact on the people around you, including your children. Therefore, it is very important to control emotions. It doesn't mean harboring or burying negative emotions, but needing to find ways to release anger without having to blow it up on your little one. As motivation to start learning to control emotions, here are the effects of parents getting angry easily on children.

1. The child feels insecure

In a period of growth and development, children need a sense of security, love and attachment to their parents. Parents should be a safe place for their children. Whenever children receive threats from the environment, they will run to their parents. If the parent has a short temper, the child becomes introverted. They start to think that parents are not the right place to share their thoughts and seek protection. This insecurity further leads to problems in their personal and social life as well.

2. There is a communication gap between the child and the world

In an angry situation, parents build a distance of communication with children. They will hide and be afraid to share their thoughts or opinions. As a result more and more misunderstandings developed.

Illustration of the impact of parents getting angry easily on children (Freepik)

3. The child becomes aggressive

Parents are role models for their children. If parents often express anger aggression, it is not impossible for their children to imitate the attitude of their parents.

4. Can't manage their own anger

A child who has an angry parent also develops problems managing his emotions. Since his references were his parents, he only knew that being angry was the only way to express himself. Because of that, he also started wearing this expression in every situation.

5. Disturbing their mental health conditions

Anger, both physical and verbal, is very dangerous for children. Children who have grumpy parents are more likely to develop psychological problems such as stress, anxiety disorders, and depression. They may even develop antisocial behavior due to having an aggressive family history.

Illustration of the impact of parents getting angry easily on children (Freepik/artursafronovvvv)

6. Feeling worthless and inferior

The effect of angry parents on children can develop feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem. Children who experience it, start to believe that everything is really their fault. This bad impact can spread to other problems, ranging from academic problems at school to social aspects.

7. Gives them trauma

Having past experience of parents who get angry easily, builds trauma on children until they grow up. The hidden experience of anger subconsciously drives these children to become angry adults too. This affects their life as a whole. They don't fit in normally around their society. Even in late adulthood, they continue to exhibit dangerous behavior.

8. The child's physical health is deteriorating

When a child continues to experience anger from his parents, his physical health is also affected. Such as changing appetite, sleeping hours, to abnormal blood pressure and heart rate due to constant fear. Launching My Child Well Being, Wednesday, August 16, parents get angry easily and affect their children's emotional and physical development. For this reason, parents need to be fully aware of the negative effects and immediately find ways to control their anger.

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