
YOGYAKARTA Expenditures compulsively, according to Terrence total Shulman, lawyers and social workers, are based on a number of driving factors. Starting from being stuck in a tedious job that requires too much money to feel a bit of joy. Some people, citing the explanation of Temma Ehrenfeld, New York-based science author, were carried out by a number of people to improve self-image. The research report reported by The Shulman Center, shows that between 5 to 9 percent of Americans have problems in shopping activities.

On the other hand, from compulsive shopping, selective spending will give you a sense of achievement. Maybe someone needs luxury shopping to fill the void but causes harm. In general, if shopping when the mood is disappointed, angry, or afraid, it might buy something that is not actually brought down.

In spending money, said Shulman, you need to have insight and self-control. In order not to spend compulsively, Ehrenfeld's advice reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, July 30, occasionally puts the fun first. But maybe next time you can consider more carefully whether it requires shopping or relaxing activities such as taking a walk.

Shopaholics or people who like to shop, can be problematic and fall into a pattern similar to the tolerance for shopping as stress medicine. Over time it will be very wasteful. This can be a dangerous bad habit.

To stop this bad habit, it turns out to take a simple step. Like buying less stuff. By buying less stuff, you are also more energy efficient in managing it. Old advice can also be practiced, that good spending uses cash, not credit cards. Even when shopping, set aside money for monthly bills, taxes, and savings or investments. It is also important to set aside money for a pension savings plan that cannot be taken for monthly purposes or excessive spending.

It is also important to track your monthly expenses. For example, by making notes every time money comes out or receives income. When shopping, don't be rushed or have little time. The more free you are when shopping, the easier it is to tighten important considerations or not the things you will buy.

The last recommendation for managing shopping desire is to be uncompulsive, apply meditation techniques. This method helps label your emotions when you have a push for shopping to vent emotions. Leo Babauta, author of The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limited Yourself to the Business and in Life, recommends recognizing that urge is not an order. The push is just a feeling that appears for a while and it will pass.

The last recommendation, concentrate on where you are. That is, stay focused rather than 'run away' by shopping excessively which drains your balance.

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