
JAKARTA - Dwayne Johnson reportedly provided seven-digit donation assistance for The Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists or SAG-AFTRA in the middle of a job strike in Hollywood.

SAG-AFTRA president Courtney B Vance and executive director Cyd Wilson initially sent letters to the highest-income actors who joined the union. They explained the financial condition that a number of members might experience due to this strike.

"We depend on donations and services - we were lucky enough because we got enough money to cover our entire program," Wilson said.

"But when we go through a crisis like this and we will spend millions of dollars on financial needs, this is when we need our talents who can help each other," he continued.

After sending the message, Dwayne Johnson replied to the letter and was willing to help the strike workers.

"He (Johnson) said, 'In a situation like this, I'm here and not going anywhere, whatever you want me to do,' Vance said.

Although he did not mention specific figures, Dwayne Johnson is said to have contributed up to seven digits. Donations given by the actor will be given to more than 10,000 union members to support them in the midst of this situation.

SAG-AFTRA's strike was related in the form of voicing workers' safety and making minimum wages. This action has been carried out since last May but has not found a point of agreement.

The writers, producers, and actors took to the streets throughout Hollywood to meet high-ranking production house officials. This action was also supported by several actors who were willing to take to the streets to help entertainment workers.

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