
JAKARTA - The main problem that can arise when a person uses expired sunscreen, namely sunburn or skin irritation due to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. Over time, this condition can increase the risk of skin cancer and cause the skin to age before its time, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.

"After expiration of the sunscreen, this object loses its efficacy and will not provide protection," said dermatologist at Westlake Dermatology, Houston, Texas, Neil totaled, MD as reported by Livestrong, Wednesday, July 5.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, this impact is likely for sunscreens to contain ingredients such as avobenzone or octinoxate, which can decay rapidly.

Expired solar water can also oxidize or accommodate bacteria that have the potential to trigger allergic reactions, rashes or acne. According totip, the easiest way to find out the life of the product is to see the expiration date.

However, if you don't find it, then someone can observe a number of signs that the product has passed its life, namely it looks watery, dry or sandy, its color and it smells change.

The expiration date is usually three years after the sunscreen is produced and it is listed on the bottle or sunscreen tube. But if not, you should write down a date on the product when buying it.

Health experts at the Mayo Clinic remind people to keep sunscreen away from direct sunlight. When they are outside, you should keep the sunscreen in the shade or wrap it in a towel.

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