
JAKARTA - The recent very hot weather can also pose a number of risks to the skin. In addition to causing dehydration, extreme hot weather can also cause damage to the skin at the cell level due to direct UV exposure to the skin, especially if the intensity is large. This can also cause collagen damage so that it is at risk of skin aging.

Various treatment antiaging is available for people who want to take care of their skin to avoid premature aging. One of the treatments that is classified as natural, safe and effective is Platelet-Rich Plasma or known as the abbreviation of PRP.

The PRP procedure is carried out using the patient's own blood, which is obtained through a separation process with a centrifuge machine, then a blood plasma rich in plaquettes will be put back into the skin to trigger the process of collagen formation and healing.

Some of the benefits of PRP include menutrition and stimulating skin cell regeneration, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, overcoming acne scars on the face. In addition to being useful for the facial area, PRP is also useful for hair care by stimulating follicles, stimulating punca cells (stem cells), and stimulating the growth of new hair.

PRP treatment also does not take time in the process, only about 1-1.5 hours. And for those of you who may be afraid of getting sick, don't worry, you will apply anesthetic cream before the treatment is carried out, except for the hair area!

Come on, try a natural treatment to get your beautiful skin at the ANTI-AGING CLINIC ETREA located in Gandaria, South Jakarta. Call Admin Etrea via WA 0851-7339-8587. The True Beauty is already given to everyone, we just need to relevance what's already there. (ADV)

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