YOGYAKARTA - During Eid, the doors of the house will usually be wide open, the carpet is held, and the living room tables are full of snacks. The hosts usually hold open houses for guests who want to visit for friendship. The open house tradition during Eid is carried out in various regions in Indonesia.
The open house tradition during Eid indicates that the host is ready to receive a visit. Not only for extended families, open houses are open to neighbors, friends, or anyone who wants to visit. The host will be happy to prepare various needs to welcome his guests, from clean places to food offerings.
Home owners usually hold open houses after completing Eid prayers for the next few days. So what is the purpose of the open house during Eid and what needs to be prepared?
The moment of Eid is always synonymous with gathering together and open house traditions. The house that holds the open house indicates that the owner welcomes guests who want to come. Not only receiving visits for friendship, the host will provide a variety of delicious food as a dish for her guests.
Based on the sectionary page, the open house means a house that is open to all friends who want to visit. The term open house according to the merriam-webster page means a hospitality that has been prepared for guests who come and is usually done informally.
Meanwhile, in Indonesian, the open house is interpreted as agriya title or event which is usually held by institutions and can be visited by the general public so that they can see and study the institution at the same time.
So it can be concluded that the open house tradition during Eid means that the open house is open for anyone to visit during Eid al-Fitr for gathering and the owner has prepared food as a banquet.
Open house is a tradition full of atmosphere of happiness and warmth. The host will welcome guests in a friendly manner and have a chat while eating together.
Home owners who hold open houses will voluntarily prepare several things to provide comfort for guests who come. If you and your family want to open houses, here are the tips that need to be prepared.
Before holding an open house, make sure you're already cleaning the house. Not only exposure and sweeping the floor, but you also have to clean the glass, walls, to sofas or chairs, other furniture.
Apart from being cleaned, you also need to arrange the contents in the house to make it look neat, such as adjusting the location of chairs and carpets. With a clean and neat house, visiting guests will feel comfortable and happy to come to your house.
Don't forget to prepare food for guests who come to your open house. In addition to being a gathering place, Eid is also a time to eat together. You can serve various dishes that are synonymous with Eid, such as chicken opor, capruption ice, nastar, and others.
You can provide food for guests after gathering activities. You can invite guests to eat together while having fun conversations. By providing food, people who come to your house become happy and feel appreciated.
Another thing you need to prepare when holding an open house is a gift for guests. You can give gifts to family or friends who come as a form of gratitude and sharing. Hands are given when guests are about to say goodbye.
There are several references to your hand which you can make gifts for guests during open houses, such as pastries, souvenirs, and others. Don't forget to prepare pastel greetings for your children. By giving gifts from you, guests will always remember your visits to your home.
Such is the review of the open house tradition during Eid and tips for preparing it. Holding an open house brings its own happiness because the house will be crowded, as well as being able to stay in touch and chat with guests.
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